Live in luxury with all needs taken care of in a hellish world

>live in luxury with all needs taken care of in a hellish world
>abandoned it and directly caused the downfall of the scarce resource of water now that usage was unlimited

What the fuck were the women problem??

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I wanna suck that titty so badly

Filtered incel. Or should I say... Filtcel.

at least one of the girls realized that and tried to go back, but the others under threat of violence retrained her. women are truly evil.

maybe they wanted to be free, even if that notion would bring consequences to them, and a life in wich they would have to make an effort to survive.

who cares man the only part of this movie i acknowledge is the war boys. those dudes are great

Because they had to regularly fuck your pic related

>understanding freedom, consequences and effort
KEK ok dude

you serious? you tell a girl/woman 'here's nothing, go out into the salts and live free or stay here, have servants, education, food, and have kids that will love you unconditionally along with the love of the masses'. what do you think the girl/woman is going to choose?

They got duped and lead astray by Furiosa (ie feminism). I guess you didnt get the message of the movie.

getting raped by an old fuck everyday and having all your kids brainwashed and turned into warlords seems bad to me.

That was literally the ideal life for any woman before Civil rights

This is one of the things that made zero sense in the movie. There's no way that those women, who were living the most luxurious life the world had to offer would try to escape into an unknown desert shithole.

they still wouldn't want to have sex with you

the salts are free, you can go anytime.

Fuck yes.

I would preffer living as the warlord.
but girls have feelings too.

1: No, it wasn't. 2: Even if it somehow was, and it wasn't, civil rights still happened. 3:

>girls have feelings too.
Highly doubtful

I truly believe boomer women fumbled the bag to an incredible degree. They could be at home baking pies and shit all day.

they all got swept up in furiosa's THE GREEN PLACE bullshit childhood dream.

all joe wanted was 1 healthy male child that could take over after he dies.
his first son was a midget cripple, his second son was a retarded giant (who in the tie-in comic nearly raped one of joe's wives, but got stopped by joe and furiosa who kicked his ass)


>joe while cruel does try to teach people that water is scarce and should be preserved.
>women take over and they let all the water flow
they will probaly run out of water in a month

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These women make no sense, they were probably born into a post apocalyptic society but still share their societal norms with 21st century californians. I know most of these movies are just propaganda but they should at least try to make it believable.

>women take over and they let all the water flow
says who? all we see is them open the flow before the credits drop, for all we know they'll end up being immortan joe 2.0

It probably would suck having to have sex with a gross monster man. But women in our society have sex with gross monster men because they have a shitload of money. In the mad max universe where shit is super scarce I imagine there would be women lining up to ride joes cock if he gave them the luxuries those women had.

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That would be a cool movie , they get corrupted and turn out to be worse than Joe.

the difference here is that killing is a crime irl while in mad it's might makes right
killing joe and taking his riches for yourself is the realistic thing to do in this scenario

I’m convinced Any Forums hates women and loves tradition because they somewhat envy the role of a housewife who engages in their favorite activities unironically- being a NEET provided for by someone else with a job or gubmint cheese, endless celebrity and media gossip, watching children’s television and having Christian moralist meltdowns - the corner stone of a 4channelers day

Yeah women were too stupid to realize how good they had it.