The Great Debate

The Great Debate

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Haven't even watched the other one.

BSG, coincidentally right in the middle of rewatching it.

both trash honestly

I loved both, I can't choose. But why did they both do that Last Supper homage?

Kinda makes sense for Galactica considering how prevalent religion is throughout the series.

I never finished Lost, but BSG had a dumb ending for sure.

I don't know about Lost, but BSG is full of Christian/Mormon ideas and features a lot of religion in general.

Lost is more consistently good throughout the show, but the ending sucks. BSG hits higher highs than lost and the ending is alright.


Kinda forgot BSG.
Kinda forgot Caprica except for how hot was Alessandra.
Can't forget Lost.

>I don't know about Lost

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Didn't remember her name but she was pretty hot. That is 100% of what was memorable about that show. The rest was random explosions and soap opera.

BSG for once you guys recommended something good

one was retarded and the other was fucking retarded

Chevron SEVEN : LOCK'D

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LOST is the greatest TV show of all time.



No worse than the Lost ending.