Thoughts on nz?

thoughts on nz?

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that mass shooter

Nice accent

South NZ is great but your women are really slutty and most maori's are openly racist and you cucks just take it.

that dude was literally an aussie lmao

suffering from the countryside


every women is, some countries just keep theirs in line

crazy how they made the set for the lord of the rings into a real country

belongs to the oogachaaka kwakwa hwaka people
give it back nigel

based. South Island independence now

No suffering the country

Finland suffers far more than nz

>and most maori's are openly racist and you cucks just take it.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

Far flug Brit colonies are my favorite. NZ, tasmania, faklands. Little slices of Britain on the edges of the world.


until recently we still had red phone boxes

fuck off we're full

Are you from the north or south island? I feel like the south island must be one of the comfiest parts of the world. Far and tucked away from all the war, and overpopulation in the rest of the planet.

I live in suburban Auckland in the North Island