Why do fans pretend it was bad to bring back Palpatine...

Why do fans pretend it was bad to bring back Palpatine, who had an entire scene of basically talking into the camera about cheating death, but they're okay with any new Star Wars content milking previously established characters to unseen levels like Darth Maul, Darth Vader and Boba Fett?

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Because there was zero foreshadowing in the previous two films, which shows that there was never an overarching plan for the series. His return in the finale is just lazy writing, especially since his "message to the galaxy" isn't even shown in the film (aside from the title crawl) but was instead revealed in Fortnite

I'm not going to defend the star wars fandom or the ip itself, but generally secondary antagonists are more popular than the primary, lead villain themselves. For example zorg from fifth element, jaws from the bond films, and clarence boddicker from robocop.

Did you like the foreshadowing in the original star wars movies that Luke and Leia were siblings when they had them kissing?

The difference is that the final film of the original trilogy was actually watchable and not a mindless CGI clusterfuck that's immediately forgettable upon leaving the theater.

You can get away with making shit up at the last minute if the writing isn't ass

Because its very telling how little faith they have in Star Wars and the stories in Star Wars being successful without obvious nostalgia baiting

Return of the Jedi was crap user. Even TROS has much, much, much better acting and visuals.

I'm starting to think J.J. himself made this thread. You can't have that opinion unless you're somehow attached to the project and are actively experiencing sunk cost fallacy

You still made bookoo bucks anyway so what's it matter if anybody liked it?

>but they're okay with any new Star Wars content milking previously established characters to unseen levels like Darth Maul, Darth Vader and Boba Fett?
But I'm not?
It's literally my #1 complaint about star wars. Nothing new and just fanbait.

The problem was not bringing Palpatinw back. The problem was bringing him back off screen, with no explanation as to how he survived (on which depends whether RotJ even mattered) and with a sudden armada of superstardestroyers+.
Because Abrams likes to wow and dazzle his audience, he does not care about people who are interested in details or explanations. Vapid shit.

It would've been a cool twist if Snoke was written as a Sith who managed to resurrect Palpatine through inviting his force ghost to possess him. That way, the clone angle would make more sense (Palpatine wants more than one vessel / to ensure Snoke's plan works regardless of whether or not the original survives) and you'd have an easy explanation for his revival.

There would have been many ways to do it, but instead he decided to say "look, shiny object" and move on. Because he had to fit a movie and a half into the runtime to retcon TLJ.

It would've literally taken two or three lines of off-hand dialogue. Snoke himself wouldn't even have to be the one to explain it. That weird alien midget woman who gave Rey Luke's lightsaber (which was also never explained) could've

Why would big media types come to 4chud of all places to shill their product to a userbase which more or less despises the product and wont in a million years change their mind?


JJ Abrams is almost solely responsible for making me become an antisemite.

Why would anyone feel pride in having things they make get shit on constantly

It's always better to be hated than ignored. At least being hated tells you that people are thinking about you.

This type of thinking will ruin your life but whatever

>muh baby space movie
grow up

also the only truly good SW movie (empire) was directed by a jew

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I'm not saying it's a healthy worldview, but it is how narcissists think

Palpatine's speech was about how he, trough Pleigues powers, generated Anakin in his mother's womb. Anakin's father is Palpatine, that's why it doesn't make sense at all that bullshit "oh the emperor just had random babies no one ever heard".

>no, there is another...


That was Rey, asshat.