ITT: Movies that are actually great as people say they are

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>a car on a shaky bridge?!

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Is that a real poster? That conveys an image that doesn't resemble the movie even remotely

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Is the australian poster

The Shining
North by Northwest
And then the were None

Impressive. Very nice.

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I have a theory about Sorcerer that the people actually are in hell. Makes a lot of sense.
All four people are kind of sinful (Criminals, terrorists and so on) and in their introduction it is clear that they could have died. (Shot by police, suicide, car crash). Then they are by sudden transition in an unknown jungle "in South America" only inhabited by criminals, militia and nazis. They need to put out a endlessly burning fire. One truck is called "Lazarus". Only one makes it through the journey of redemption.
There are more signs i think but I need to rewatch it some day

nice dude

cool idea, they are actually in colombia!

No. They're just 70s era anti-heroes who end up in a hell-hole. There's no literalism to it and the ending is a punctuation mark.

Apocalypse now
The shining
A clockwork orange


>movie where bad things happen to the characters
>fan theorist loser : they are actiually in le hell guys
like clockwork, i literally just clicked off a thread where someone was saying the same thing about willie wonka

>a chance to make a first post?

sorcerer is a remake of a french movies from the old days. it was called - Le salaire de la hellas - which roughly translates to The Wagies from Hell so you're theory does have some ground to it.
have u thought of being a film critique/analyzer? u should consider starting a yt-channel dedicated to interpretations like yours because they are very interesting

Decided to give this a watch. It was the definition of kino. 10/10 and I don't really give those out a lot.

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I liked that.

Problem Child 2

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why are you lying? its Le Salaire de la peur, aka The Wages of Fear,

why are you lying? its Le Salaire de la hellas, aka The Wagies from Hell,

>The Hobbit movies
Are you fucking real? Next I'll be seeing Kingdom of the Crystal Skull being praised on Any Forums.


this definitely kicked ass but i felt the introduction of the characters in the middle was too long and too on the nose with its symbolism

4K release when?

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there's no such film, and the french word for 'wagie' would be 'vaurien', not salarie.

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I bet u're into childless bestiality, parapsychophilic snuff, hydrolethargic xenophobia and other weird stuff that creepy animals-abusing people are into. Sleep with the fishes dude, like jodorowsky did, go ahead, it'll do your weiner good, just don't forget to pee afterwards...

The curtains are blue, retard.

nice photoshop dude, too bad the pixels under the "e" gave it away...

please stop bitching around and face the fact that your thread is a dump for shitposting. u started the thread thinkin u could be cleaver and show ur analyatical skills, waiting 20 minutes or so before u deceided to post ur wet dream analyze and it got debunked instantly. u dont have to react in the sad way u did. u got owned, that happens. just move along and stop fighting. stop screwing around.


There is no America

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a theory that is further backed up with the christian symbolism in the poster, see the rough sketch of the cross in pic related

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