Do you think this explains why there hasn't been any good comedy movies in a while?

Do you think this explains why there hasn't been any good comedy movies in a while?

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>oh no I can't coast by on racial slurs and toilet humour any more comedy is RUINED
Reddit really is a retard magnet is seems

Didn't Howard Stern attack Joe too?

but isn't comedy often about making fun of what's currently socially deemed as correct.
woke culture is the antithesis of that and you have to be silent about everything

Yes, Based Joe Rogan is right. Fuck woketards.

True, checked and based. Political correctness is the death of humour.

>Joe Rogan says

Attached: images - 2022-03-15T164550.504.jpg (739x415, 20.62K)

Pretty much everything the woke are horrified by can be found in the movie airplane!. Like some origin story where it killed their moms.

It's because almost all the good Jewish writers (Brooks, Abrahams, the Zucker brothers etc.) retired and we're left with the bad, treacherously woke ones.

Yes, anyone who argues otherwise is retarded.

Woke ideology has made anything that can be remotely construed as "punching down" unacceptable, and comedies that try to "punch up" always feel like an insufferably smug fucking sermon (see Don't Look Up for a perfect recent example). Woke hiring practices have also filled writers' rooms with unqualified neon-haired imposters, and you can't fake funny.

Attached: 1571761883956.jpg (1072x975, 360.73K)

>filled writers' rooms with unqualified neon-haired imposters
The funny thing is that the woke types are always talking about the difficulty of overcoming "imposter syndrome," so on some level even they know that they shouldn't be there. Maybe get some talent and then you wouldn't feel like an imposter? Crazy idea.

Wash your beaver, sweetie

Comedy is about truth.

I hate this bald manlet fuck like you wouldn't believe.

Bullshit. Comedy hast just moved to television now that the only movies that make money are action movies.

Joe Rogan is the last person on Earth who should be talking about great comedy.

>plebbit screencap
>joe rogan
>twitter screencap in first post

Attached: absolutamente asqueroso.png (600x865, 566.06K)

i'll say it since no one else will, comedy always sucked. even if theyre funny they always age horribly.

To appeal to people who secretly harbor those beliefs in a medium where 'anything goes', yes. There's a reason atheists gush over George Carlin more than anyone else.

Progressives just figured out the formula and told all the saboteurs-turned-comedian to fuck off.

I never liked comedies anyways, never found movie humor funny.