Why the fuck aren't you a Muslim yet?


Islamic world has entered a period of rapid growth in recent years. The chaotic situation of Islamic countries today should not mislead us to this reality. The population is growing rapidly. The domination of Islamic area is growing rapidly in Africa, southern Asia and Middle East. The wave of conquest that stopped in Europe in the 16th century and regressed in the 19th century seems to have been revived. Western civilization has lost its self-confidence and defensive impulse.

Attached: Ayasofya Camii.png (1279x758, 1.29M)

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>all 4 limbs on the ground

we know you are a dog mehmet

Why didnt Allah just make everybody muslim instead of making 6/7 of the world popution kaffirs so he can purposely send us ti hell what an asshole

I love BBQ sausages, me. Can't give that up innit.

Attached: grin3.jpg (2544x4000, 744.83K)

OP, you're about to unleash a horde of pajeets

arab music ruins any pretense to greco roman culture so it becomes too oriental

Because I don't believe in god, and find religion to be all too often used a tool to control people to sinister ends.
But I guess that's what growing up in the midwest does to someone.

Because I don't wanna follow a goatfucker religion

imagine believing a fantasy is real

I like my dick, my whole dick, don't want to have a partial dick, don't want to cut my kid's dick to please an arabic god. Kind of cuck behaviour to tell you my mind,

Too bad than, because your grandsons will hear it 5 times everyday.

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Because I'm not retarded mehmet

I can tolerate religious folks to a degree but to buy into a or any religion in this day and age would require me to take a head first trip down a concrete stairwell or three.

We havent woken up yet

Good morning, sir.

if you had latin chants, and roman art and buildings and shit then mohammad could be more palatable to the romanized world outside of browbeating people to believing what you want

nowadays you would need to interpretatio islam to the liberal language and culture.


Good morning. I have to take a piss.

I love drinking alcohol, eating pork sausage, petting dogs, and staring at scantily clad women
I want to enjoy the short time I have on this shitty earth and it's not like I'm hurting anyone with any of mentioned activities

>I love drinking alcohol


>eating pork sausage


>petting dogs


>staring at scantily clad women

Mega Based

Our banners will rise in every country. Our call to prayer will be heard in the most remote corner on this earth. The law of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will rule supreme.

Islam is a religion for NPCs who literally can't think for themselves

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My values paint me as a degenerate hoping for transhumanism. I don't think Islam would like me very much.
That being said I might potentially date a Muslim girl in the future if I end up moving to where she lives.

Perhaps you never tried good alcohol, friend

Pharaoh was strong but Moses won
Nimrod was strong but Ibrahim won
Abu Jahl was strong but Mohammed won
The Crusaders were strong, but Ottomans won

Now America, Russia, China and Europe are strong, but we will win.
Muslim lands will be a grave for the tyrants, Biiznillahi Teala.

Victory shall be ours.

Attached: 0423795.jpg (1387x702, 89.62K)

I think Islam is false and Muhammad is not a genuine prophet
I do love Islam though


I haven't met a single religion that wasn't dumb, and Islam might take the cake as the most regressive and retarded of them all.
Pretty sure if all Muslims died it would be a net positive for the planet in the long run.

>The Crusaders were strong,
Not really? They were kind of goofy