Board is about television and film

>board is about television and film
>can't watch television or film because it's all woke

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>start watching Ozark
>no tranny or kike shit
please tell me the don't ruin this too

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Unironically, what are the LEAST pozzed shows going currently

ok we didn't care about trans kids 10 years ago because they didn't exist. We didn't get annoyed at constant bigotry against Europeans before because there wasn't any. We didn't get mad at Morpheus or Mace Windu because they were kino and not political mouthpieces explaining why whites are evil constantly. That's all media is anymore, trannies pedos and white hate, wtf else should we be talking about??

>ok we didn't care about trans kids 10 years ago because they didn't exist. We didn't get annoyed at constant bigotry against Europeans before because there wasn't any. We didn't get mad at Morpheus or Mace Windu because they were kino and not political mouthpieces explaining why whites are evil constantly. That's all media is anymore, trannies pedos and white hate, wtf else should we be talking about??

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Ok? So you're advocating for the castration of children. Noted.

Probably Succession. The one woke character Kendall is shown to be a hollow fake as fuck person who embraces lefty shit purely for social clout (like all wokies).

OP is right.

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why do you have to watch new stuff

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I basicly watch Psych, Spartacus, Supernatural, and Dexter all the way through over and over.

Severance has been good so far and no poz

the new mobie on shitfix Adam something is good and not pozzed

Got to break a few eggs if you want to make an omelet

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Fuck off, anti-White cunt.

Watch foreign kinos and anime.

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Have sex

You mean American.

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I've read there was a gay character iirc

It's a decent show but the wife arc is extremely tedious. That's pretty much the only poz in the show though.