You want to live here

you want to live here
get off Any Forums and develop a skill so you can come here and eventually become a citizen

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fuck off we're full

Is pedophilia a skill ??

Why would anyone in their right mind want to live here?

I'll actually go to Canada

>Why would anyone in their right mind want to live here?
people here already know tards like you are the laziest, dumbest pieces of shit this country has to offer
thank you

no you don't
foreignons stay out

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this country is nothing more than a giant job fair
if I was thirdie I would be very inclined to emigrate as a tech worker, make a fuck ton of money and go home to retire early

no i dont

shut up fat

Welcome to canada as long as you're not Ukrainian

>make a fuck ton of money and go home to retire early

Do non-Americans really believe this? LMAO!!!

I wish I was an American.

>you want to live here

No I don't. Not after Trump, and after learning how full of shit your healthcare system is.

They're already here
t. one of them

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I can fart and burp whenever I want. Is that a skill?

It's true though

No, i'm already height-mogged by peruvian zoomers, i don't want to imagine how it must be with the american ones

how tall are you?

only for unskilled workers who wash dishes and sweep floors. if you have a skill you're much better off staying in your own country and opening a business, then you can just get American and European clients.

175 cm

I'm well aware

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If you're a skilled worker (e.g. software engineer), the healthcare here is better than anywhere else in the world.


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>you want to live here