Are telenovelas kino?

Are telenovelas kino?

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doesn't that basically translate to "Ghetto Mary"

Does she fight Ugly Betty? Are any of these named after guys?


had a huge crush on her as a kid

If you are a woman in her 50s for sure, otherwise is one the the worst pieces of media ever made

Are there any with women of real substance?

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yea lol
tv Mexicans love to romanticize poverty


Only if there's cunny.

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Not really, it really just means neighborhood. In the US the only neighborhoods that would be referred to as barrios would really be Spanish speaking majority, and Spanish speaking majority neighborhoods usually are shitholes.

Based cunnysseur

They are Grade A, top of the shelf kino, but only if you grow up watching them.
It's more of a cultural thing you wouldn't get if you're not watching them with your family and talking about them at school, even reenacting the over-the-top scenes.
Also, Itatí Cantoral gave me a fetish for treacherous bad bitches. Young me didn't standa chance

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I only watch Turkish soap operas dubbed in Spanish. 99% of the actresses don't have fake tits, asses, lips like the weird ass ayys and goblins that go to Cuba or Brazil to get fake shit

for me, it's La Dueña

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I prefer Doña Bárbara, 2bh.
RIP, Edith González

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The Pier is comfy.

Barrio doesn't mean hood, It just means neighborhood. There is no bad connotation to it, is just neutral.

Only as you grow older and your expectations fall to the ground as you realize ALL media sucks story wise and you just become a coomer instead.

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its funny cause no mexican woman actually looks like this (in america)
theyre all brown and indio and gross
god i hate mexicans and their shit food

that bitch thalia did 2 telenovelas where she was a poor girl who gets with a rich guy

>Itatí Cantoral

this motherfucker knows.