ITT: Things you wouldn't be able to air in 2021

ITT: Things you wouldn't be able to air in 2021

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it's 2022 idiot

Why wouldn't you be able to air this?
Is it considered kink shaming?

time is an illusion

so then your thread is pointless and you should delete it

formerly 2021

Where did OP imply anything about this year being 2021? He just wants us to post things you couldn't air last year.

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I miss Phil Hartman

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Is it because everyone is obsessed with big asses now?

it was a simpler time

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>Principal Skinner: I'm going to punish you for this, Bart... and it won't just be a simple caning this time.
What did he mean by this. Was caning a thing in american schools.

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Yeah, at my school if you used the restroom more than twice a month, you got beaten with a whiffle ball bat.
I live in Louisiana btw

nah, they usually used 'stiches' that were just long skinny branches from local trees, stung like hell but were pretty harmless


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no, it was just a meme in america after the one fag got caned in singapore for being an asshole like 20 fuckin years ago

He should have sued that whore for racism
Topical humour doesn't age well. I don't think it's the only joke they made about that incident and Weird Al did a bit on it too

>Makes fun of blacks and whites in the same episode
Good thing everyone is angry at everyone all the time today

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A whole fuckton of 90s media references the caning thing. It's really bizarre how such a trivial incident got so much media attention.

Because the 16:9 version cuts out the butt?