What Zack Snyder mean by this?

What Zack Snyder mean by this?

Attached: BvS and ZSJL.webm (720x1280, 181.41K)

i dont get it

why is flash doing that face

Watch more than two films please

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I also watched MoS.

If you are being genuine flash is making that face because he did not know superman could move fast enough to see him.

I want to facefuck Flash

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hot take: Eisenberg should have gotten an Oscar for his performance in BvS.

Fuck the haters

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Fun fact: those scenes have the same run time. Superman eye-fucking, Batman/The Flash startled reaction, etc. They all share the exact same seconds.

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Snyder is the blueprint

Why did Synder fuck over Cavill so much after Man of Steel?

Zack, pls stop

He likes his movies to line up timeline wise
I'm pretty sure Supermans death and resurrection happen at the same fucking time in BvS and ZSJL

Believe it or not people unironically complain or rant about that scene because they don't understand that.
It's brilliant physical comedy, only Ezra could portray such a cartoon-like WTF-face moment that looks straight out of a panel.

He has the hots for cavill

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Zack Snyder might be autistic.

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holy based


Zack Snyder does this all the time. Even in a single mirror. Everything has to mirror another thing and the seconds are all counted to fit shit which is why some of his movies are so long.

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lol I've seen faggot arab artschool dropouts doing their first onstage performances of Equus who gave better performances as a neurotic odd-man-out spastic character than that trash.
'Ma look I'm acting!' personified, it's like he's desperately trying and failing to larp Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka.

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