Why are hanging scenes so common yet always so poorly done?

Why are hanging scenes so common yet always so poorly done?

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I bet they have more rules for safety for hanging scenes than they do for firearms scenes.

Most people are not very familiar with hanging

the one in The Mummy was good

Because hangings have been shit since early western serials so people expect it. It's like people expecting a noise when a sword is drawn, ofr a gunshot to throw you backwards instead of dropping you. They could've fixed them in the 70's, they chose not to.

>His neck did not break! Now we will watch him strangle to death.

she's very pretty. who is she?

Real hangings are disturbing, user. People would much rather a shot of dangling feet, or a little drop and snap and that's it.

eugene ponticorvo in s6 of sopranos seemed really well done. i was actually trying to figure out what kinographic tricks they used to make it look so realistic.

first time?

>that long neck

Her name is Pandora. She played a twin on the British tv show 'Euphoria' about teens who dedicate their lives to God.

I chuckled.

did she get hung?

I'm thankful for whatever tricks they use to make it look bad. My father hung himself and most hanging scenes are upsetting. Even "tasteful" ones like the one in Mad Men S5 was hard to watch. I guess the worst one was an episode of Patriot, where Rob Saperstein was tying a noose in a shitty room all by himself and then he hears a song on the radio that makes him reconsider his suicide and stop. Like, if only my father had had some ransom serendipitous event that stopped him from finishing the deed.

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Of course not. :)

Attached: B7nbxydCQAANcC9.jpg (600x295, 30.68K)

here are two ones i like


>someone accidently replaces the prop gallows with a real gallows

t.Alex Baldwin

user... I'm sorry

what movie is this?