I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution

I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution.

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>I think you’re just a pussy.

There. I ended the conversation



>I think the honorable thing for 4channers to do is to reject our autism, stop posting, walk hand in hand into the real world without spilling spaghetti, one last midnight, shitposting frens opting out of a raw deal.
>So what's the point of sneedposting in the morning?
>I tell myself I bear witness, but the real answer is that I'd obviously spill my spaghetti, and I lack the constitution for reddit.

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>I think mollusk eyesight is a tragic misstep in evolution. Why should we be aware of things at a distance?

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>le leftist nihilism

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why did they do it?

They were shortsighted unironically. They didn't know the evils eyesight would bring. We should have remained as sightless Cambrian monstrosities and never evolved.

To be human is to be conscious, otherwise you are a p-zombie. So, "human consciousness" is a pleonasm.

>believing in evolution
I thought nihilists don't believe in anything?

god I hate our ancestors

monke shouldnt have included the shrooms in their diet
or should they

This is a tv show for people who cant read von haartman, cioran, schope, baudrillard etc. so they watch true detective and pick up a few juicy quotes to act like they "get it"

You're confusing cognition with conciousness

Impressively dumb post

only by including shrooms in their diet could they have come to realise they shouldn't have

>confusing cognition with consciousness
No, I am not.
> A philosophical zombie or p-zombie argument is a thought experiment in philosophy of mind that imagines a hypothetical being that is physically identical to and indistinguishable from a normal person but does not have conscious experience, qualia, or sentience.[

>Well, once there was only dark. If you ask me, the light's winning.
Amen, glad he saw the light in the end.

Stoned ape is best ape. He sees patterns and paints on cave walls.

Qualia, a.k.a "Let's call souls something else".

Imagine being the first ape to ever trip off shrooms. I'm so jealous

You do hear accounts from former Chinese citizens who immigrate to the West and after years of exposure to Western thought finally have their first true thoughts of their own. Before this happens they existed as mindless thoughtless drones. It's strange to think that these NPCs still exist among us but they do.

Analytic phil isn't real science lmao wake up

It's beside the point. We are discussing consciousness: awareness of the self and how it interacts with the environment.
>Consciousness, at its simplest, is sentience or awareness of internal and external existence

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