Memes aside, is this really a fag thing ? Or will it be the new covid

Memes aside, is this really a fag thing ? Or will it be the new covid

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Faggot pest
I dont care

It would just be a gay thing but American and american-brainwashed retards will do everything in their power to make sure it's another COVID, including most recently protesting Belgium's decision to force people to quarantine for two weeks if they have it

I hope we don't go into lockdown again

seems to be most prominent in gays but like hiv which used to be gay it will soon be spread by bisexuals to females as well and then it will be yet another ineradicable disease to mark and deform those who are lucky enough to copulate

there are less than 200 cases
it is a nothingburger

I hope we do, shit was maximum comfy.

It can spread in non gay way tho

Reminder that there is no cure for this

Incelchads, we won

On a report a doctor said that the smallpox vaccine gives protection against the macacopox.

So proly is a nothingburger

Does this mean people who catch it remain contagious indefinitely? Like aids?

wrath from god that will kill all the fags

Where did this come from ? I saw some africans on twitter bitching about the fact that the media are showing pics of africa when talking about it. Is this some nigger monkey fucking/eating virus ?

Hope everything goes into total lockdown and the normies suffer even more

I dont wanna lose my job and move home home to parents again :/

No, it just means you have to let it run its course.

all STDs are more prevalent among gays. this is because gay sex cannot produce children, so they feel less of a need to use barrier protection. this is also because they are generally more promiscuous, since modern western gay culture came about in an environment where gay monogamy was non-binding (gay marriage not being legal). the latter is being corrected now, but the former will be much harder to correct; if AIDS didnt convince them to use barrier protection, it's not clear that anything will

its nature trying to get rid of gay sickness after it failed with HIV

will probably spread beyond gay community, kills 1 in 10 (10% fatality), could be kinda bad

fuck off man you can live in quarantine all you wish LET ME GO OUTSIDE

brit travelled to africa and had gay sex there

>it's not clear that anything will
Bullet to the head would work.

It was a Spaniard

It's endemic in Africa and one UK case had travelled to Nigeria but for the rest of the cases its unknown how they got it.

Every case tested so far has been the West African variant which has a much lower fatality rate than the Congo variant.

Cases in Spain
Chemsex in gay sauna
Massive gay parade
Maybe fags could, for once, start taken some measures instead stick in the first hole at hand

quarantine was fucking great for me, got paid to stay at home by the government, meanwhile my friends, who works for private companies, had to go to work and risk their health.