What is the Any Forums equivalent to this?

what is the Any Forums equivalent to this?

Attached: 1451597304451.jpg (760x596, 334.07K)

taxi driver

all of these are sóy except for RoR1

>video games

Attached: 1628990695963m.jpg (765x1024, 126.94K)

Attached: 1465675484197.jpg (751x1504, 540.42K)

or this

Attached: fav mmoviez.jpg (1071x1056, 279.62K)

>5 games in a trinity

Attached: 1623139831143.png (477x355, 130.11K)

fuck i fell for it

There is no Any Forums equivalent. Good shows and movies are coming out daily. There are no good games being made any more simple as. Top 5 games for those who doubt my tastes
1.Fallout New Vegas
4.Kingdom Hearts 2
5.Pathologic 2
This photo exists to trigger New Vegas chads.

Attached: 1647297271042.jpg (900x438, 254.99K)

what's bottom left


Why do Any Forums posters seem to go insane when talking about video games?

ff6fag? kys

glad i left Any Forums back in 2014

Was it gamergate that killed Any Forums? It was always kinda shitty, but now it's just uninhabitable.

yes. that's when I learned this place got shilled hard. You were not allowed to speak out of line and had to stay within a certain line of thinking and view of the games there. It was really fucking bad. if you did anything to disrupt or call out something obviously being paid, you got banned.

A bait image made to suppress opinions because people aren't allowed to enjoy things that also happen to be slightly popular? With the addition of wayyy too much text clearing showing how it's someone getting a bit too personal while also ruining what little humor was there before?
I'm sure Any Forums has plenty pics like that

probably this thing
although there's probably a Any Forums related 3X3 meme out there somewhere

Attached: white male favorites.jpg (1241x2047, 1.74M)

Lmao rimworld and lisa is reddit garbage

>american psycho
>blade runner 2049
>2001: a space odyssey
>no country for old men
Also Berserk has to be posted in there.

All of these are missing Robert Bresson.

Attached: 2022-03-14.jpg (900x900, 824.85K)

those aren't movies

im every one of the guys on the bottom

because its all they have left in their pathetic, little lives

Gamers in general are retarded so add in a little bit of Any Forums autism and you get a truly unbearable concoction.