This is the most unfunny, reddit garbage on tv

This is the most unfunny, reddit garbage on tv.
Prove me wrong

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Yes I too watched the new episode.

I don't know if it’s "reddit", but it is indeed horrible and always has been.

You’re wrong and you put zero effort into this. Stop posting, you’re not wanted here.

Uh, there's no "we" on Any Forums, reddit. YOU can go the fuck back


Family guy is unironically one of my favourite comfort shows. I can just put it on while I'm eating on working not pay much attention and just laugh at some random cutaway.

Stop replying to me reddit fuck.

>I don't know if it's "reddit"
There's a 5 minute, unironic bit where Chris and the school choir sings "Die Hard is a Christmas movie." Repeatedly. It's reddit

Every single character is just fucking awful and they use the most retarded fucking reference humor. But then again it copied a show that was just as shitty and unfunny so no surprises.

This is what makes American Dad vastly superior is that the side characters are way more interesting than even FG's main characters


>This is the most unfunny, reddit garbage on tv.
>Prove me wrong

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Its kinda based now and then

Do Matt and Trey from South Park post here?

let me know when they get the balls to make a SINGLE joke on the black race. even the first gay joke they made in God knows how long (bruce saying he became gay when he couldn't find a table at the school cafeteria), peter IMMEDIATELY apologized at the camera by saying "yes, yes we know that's not how it works". i wish seth mckikeflane boarded that plane.

>>This is the most unfunny, reddit garbage on tv.
>>Prove me wron-

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Family Guy's cynical fence sitting is partially what lead us to clown world.

That one with 80's black guys and I don't even watch that much family guy

first 4 seasons are my favorite comedy cartoon ever

even though end line is super cringe when you think about it.

I literally can't be in the same room with this show playing on the TV. It's that fucking painful.

Not even kidding.

I think we have successfully proven OP wrong. Nice work boys.

it's pre reddit. it is good and bad. it has ended up influencing culture in positive and negative ways, although it may be on the more negative side overall.

>I think we have successfully proven OP wrong. Nice work boys.

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