Is this show too reddit?

Is this show too reddit?

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what would it look like if it were "less reddit" ?

Still better than Rick and Morty

More racism and misogyny

Why? Do you need our permission to watch it?

It’s not as funny as the best Rick and Morty.

>turns out the christians were right
idk seems pretty anti-reddit

I would say no, it's a dumb show with dumb jokes but it's fun and pretty harmless. Rick and Morty is a show that takes its own philosophy so seriously and thinks it's this incredibly deep piece of art which is why It is Reddit.

define "reddit"

where can i watch this

This show is literally the polar opposite of Reddit. Anyone who says otherwise is either a shitposter or so dumb that at least half the jokes went over their heads.


I cant believe how stupid kids are for falling for the Any Forums vs Reddit meme


>It's a Any Forums seethes about Smiling Friends episode, yet again
LETS GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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is it on hulu or netflix or amazon prime

factually false

No. Only on HBO Max. Just pirate it

Saying a bunch of white supremacist shit and then seething when they're kicked off the show. Same as all of Any Forums's favorite shows.

The only white supremacists board is Any Forums. The rest of Any Forums is left wing.

What kind of "white supremacist shit", user?

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I liked it, but it's a cartoon, so I can't call it kino.

gay little show with cliched plotlines and dated "lol overly detailed faces for a single frame" newgrounds humor, no different than the rest of the slop modern adult swim churns out besides being produced by awesome style friend simulators

OneyPlays is just a friend simulator for late yoomers

You know what I'm talking about

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