Any other movies like this?

Any other movies like this?

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Yeah, there's lots of shitty movies out there.

Kek! Holy fucking blown the fuck out! Get rent op! You fuck!

Margin Call

forgot pic.
Jeremy Irons speech during the emergency meeting makes me understand why being a top level corporate board member is a life goal for some ppl

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Every other shitty McKay flick

Corporate movies and real corporate offices work completely different. There's a lot less genius irl

maybe not in the banking sector, but Moneyball is pretty good too (ie using analytics for an advantageous position)

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I rewatch both these movies every year
although different genres, there is something immensely enjoyable about them

that's why I said top level user, not middle management i-make-six-figures club

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Garbage movie

>movie I can pretend to understand and enjoy to sound smart around my dumb friends
Here ya go.

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I agree

overrated imo, and not as memorable as other movies mentioned. then again i grew up in the cheney era so maybe its the same topical fatigue zoomers have with trump/biden

>Billy Beane brings the A's out of their slump
>Everyone demands to know how he did it
>Beane acquiesces and writes Moneyball
>The entire baseball industry now knows he's secrets and does the same strategies
>A's are back to being shitty again
Still a good movie, but it's like Stand and Deliver where after the credits roll, the noble protagonist inevitably still gets fucked over

wowsers reddit user can i get extra butter on my popcorn to go with all that projection

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OP asked for movies like the big short so i guess your analysis is on point kek

In terms of the 08 financial crisis,
>Margin Call
>Too Big to Fail
In terms of style
>The Wolf of Wall Street

> different genres
nigger they both had to do with banking shenanigans during the collapse of MBS did u forgor

Winning Time on HBO

is this poor b8 or are you too stupid to know the difference between genre and premise?


this is kinda cheesy, but war dogs? guys jew the system and get semi bamboozled in the process?....

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congrats user, please post cashapp for your prize
waste of dubs faggot

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>hurr durr I was only pretending to be retarded
here's a (You) because this thread can use a bump

Can't even think of that movie without thinkihg of Ornella

people don't understand how important the financial sector is, when we fuck up/go to far out of line it inflicts literally EVERYONE. put some respect on it
>inb4 jew

>every 1% increase in unemployment causes 6 gorillion suicides
>but lockdowns that tripled unemployment are fine because they save lives

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now you're getting it, feel free to contribute instead of just funposting
Boiler Room

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nowhere near as good as big short but holy fuck rockwell was good as Bush.

the other Michael Lewis adaptation, Moneyball is incredible. Just read Michael Lewis's books.

this movie was surprisingly good