How would you have done it?

How would you have done it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

> Episode VII: The Force Awakens = TFA + TLJ
> Episode VIII: At Galaxy's Edge = TLJ’s leftovers (Reylo development, FinnRose storyline, Luke’s death, etc.) + More ideas from George’s outline (Psychedelic Force realm, Maul somehow returns, etc.) + Any ideas Rian has/had for his trilogy
> Episode IX: Legacy of the Force = TRoS + Duel of the Fates (Trevorrow's script) retrofitted to comply with the previous films
Any questions?
>inb4 anyone suggests sidelining Rey and/or making her evil

Yuuzhan Vong Trilogy

Hire the same writer/director for all three movies so it doesn't result as a schizophrenic mess

>Maul somehow returns

actually worse than Palpatine

Keep the first movie, copy what youtubers gave as theories (not the Snoke=Windu one though. That was dumb)

I wouldn’t

set it hundred of years later. Sith destroy the Jedi and take over the galaxy

Lucas said that star wars was intended to be the tragedy of darth vader so I would have made anakin watching his grandson turn dark a major plot element. Scrap the first order. Have ben's downfall be the plot twist at the end of the first movie when he randomly kills han solo.

Step 1) Don't give control to Kathleen Kennedy
Step 2) Don't hire JJ Fucking Abrams
Step 3) Put together storyboards for the entire trilogy before shooting anything
Step 4) ????
Step 5) Profit

>Lucas said that star wars was intended to be the tragedy of darth vader
That's a retarded decision he made later and only existed so he could sell Darth Vader toys again

>Lucas said that star wars was intended to be the tragedy of darth vader
Like fuck it is was. He was constantly changing the backstory even having Vader and Anakin being separate people originally.

>Step 2) Don't hire JJ Fucking Abrams
Only hire him to direct which is what he can do. He cannot write for shit which is where these movies fail.

>Don't give control to Kathleen Kennedy
You mean what George literally did?
Besides, she doesn't actually have any control. All she does is greenlight and finance whatever gets made.

Star wars fucking sucks as a world building exercise without a core plot thread and the tragedy and redemption of vader was supposed to be that once George decided to make three trilogies. His efforts to expand the universe beyond this resulted in messy unnecessarily convoluted films that people disliked. Having vader, from beyond the grave, try to prevent his grandson from making the same mistake he did could have been a very satisfying conclusion to what the prior two trilogies established.

Otherwise star wars is just lasers and space ships

The Force Awakens was and is still kino. The problem is, they just killed all the mysteries it set up.

>b-but it was George's vision

I wouldn't have made them at all.

I wouldn't have. I wouldn't have done the prequels, either. Star Wars was better off left undisturbed after ROTJ.

>have massive galaxy
>limit your story to one guy

>Rey is no one, the Force awakened in her because Luke tried to suppress it after his failure with Ben
>Luke had a family but Kylo Ren killed them
>Snoke is the dark side incarnate, he fears Luke above all else and even fought him before
>Luke doesn't throw away the lightsaber
>Rey inspires Luke to train her and rebuild the Jedi once again, they leave the planet together

and demand rewrites
and fire directors/remake movies from scratch
and take all the credit

George's vision also included turning Darth Vader into the galactic messiah (but not really) and Chewbacca knowing Yoda. Bringing Maul back at all was a terrible idea that TCW/Rebels handled as best as one could hope for and it still somewhat sucked.

I guess you could argue that Maul being the ST villain would've vested his revival with a stronger sense of purpose, but the sheer build-up necessary to justify Maul playing that role would've been too fucking absurd. For the average movies-only Star Wars fan the enormity of the hackery would've been too heavy a burden. It would've been hilarious, though. I wish we got it.

Luke going into hiding out of shame makes the story dead on arrival. Make it have him withdraw from the world to go on a mystical Force discovering journey or some shit to learn how to defeat Snoke.

maybe he goes and tries to find the source of the Force because he realises that there's something wrong with the Jedi

Better. In my humble estimation, considerably so.

>Rey is a scavenger on a planet on the galaxies edge
>At one point refugees arrive from surrounding planets
>Finn is one of them
>Reason for refugees is the Yuuzhan Vong invasion slowly ramping up
>Planet gets attacked
>Rey and Finn narrowingly get away with the Falcon
>Han finds them because he is hunting for his ship
>Han hears their story and brings them to Luke and his Son
>They go to the New Republic
>First Movie ends with the Vong winning because the New Republic isn't militarized and Han dies
>Second movie
>They seek out the imperial remnant under Thrawn for help
>Unlikely Alliance
>Movie ends with Vong losing cause Thrawn + Jedi + whole galaxy and getting pushed out but Ben turns to the dark side over his dead father and blames Luke, kills him and is fascinated by the power of the imperial remnant
>Third movie is Ben + Thrawn and the remnant vs the New Republic
>Rey manages to turn Ben back to good cause pussypower, kills Thrawn, wins the game