I never understood why Russians think their country would break up if they were a democracy

I never understood why Russians think their country would break up if they were a democracy.
Spain fought refused to give independence to its separatist regions, fought insurgency on its soil for decades under your usual progressive socialist and liberal governments and nobody not the US, UN, EU batted an eye.
Like even in the worst case scenario maybe Chechnya would manage to separate but how could it happen anywhere else with how many Russians there are all over the place.

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that picture would bring you to prison here

And that just proves my point.

Aren't we all just prisoners of life?

>Like even in the worst case scenario maybe Chechnya would manage to separate

Which would be sooooo bad, lol. Oh no, the churka regions split off, what a catastrophy

It wasn't even a Churka region before late 80s.

Stalin deported them all and Grozny was half Russian before the Chechens took over.Yeltsin was too busy sucking off to USA, destroying Russian industry and killing protestors to do a thing.

But now Chechens are some of the most loyal soldiers of Russia, saying how "They are warriors of Jesus (his islamic messiah interpretation)", so we use them.

Plus I would rather live with Muslim chechens that dont drink than live with some Russian liberal that larps to Nazi collaborators while simoltaniously talk about LGBT acceptance and other degeneracy.

Russians can only live under dictatorships, it's hardwired into the average Russian mind that they need a strong leader telling them what to do.
Tbh i would be mad if I lived under a dictatorship thst didn't bring economical advances like the Chinese do and that's the case of Russia

Because our democratic opposition are essentially worse than our oligarchs. The only good person was Navalny, and he used to be an ultranationalist in the early 00s.

Now our liberal oppositon sees the Russian population as literal cattle while sucking off to America , wishing "for the complete destruction of the Russian army, the more dies the easier it would be for a free Russia to form".

Essentially if they win they will just be the new oligarchs, but without Putin to rule them. If that happens I imagine a 1933 Germany-style takeover doen by revanshist elements.

Sounds like government propaganda or exaggeration based on a few extremists that do not represent everyone.

aren’t there people in the ruling party who want reforms? like not open opposition but just modest reforms and subtle democratization

Honestly, everyone is mad about corruption in Russia, but attribute it to different reasons.

Only 10% of our population are literal vatniks, the rest shit on the government 24/7, it has been our pasttime for the past 20 years.

And about the "strong leader" thing, I guess you are right. Every time we had a "democracy", be it Novgorod, Russian Republic or the 90s.
Hell, Ivan the terrible literally became ruthless after Boyars killed his mother in front of him and using him as a puppet ruler due to inerfighting. (Although he completely lost it when his first wife died)

Im not actually joking, our opposition figures are just as corrupt as our oligarchs.
And the "wish our army dies" is an actual thing too, they shill for it on their streams and channels.
"Russia isnt important and we should embrace Western ideals and destroy our barbaric Russian nature" is their main talking point.
Well, Russian libirals have been larping Western culture for centuries, so its nothing new.

There are, but the problem is that the ruling party doesnt have an ideology to drive those reforms.
Our party elites dont really care for the state unless their well-being is threatened.

Although with recent resignations it seems there might be some rejuvination in the political sphere, since the government is throwing ineffective members out.

Does Chechnya have a lot of oil or something? I never got why Russians cared and propped up such a backwater shithole region.

Interesting. The reason americans want to ally with Russia, is because of the Russian culture beyond your leadership. We wouldn't want you to change your culture at all, we'd want to pick the best parts of it and apply it to our own culture. We've been adding polish culture to our own the last 5 years is a good example.

It connects oil pipilines, yes. Chechnya also started raids in Dagestan and other territories after the Islamists wanted to make their Islamic State in the mountains.

no, it's true.

They dream of yeltsinist-style oligarch banana republic. Putin dreams of "sovereign" banana republic.
They are the same.

Wannabe president of Belarus Tichanovskaja tours all over europe begging to not discriminate belarusian nation and its students abroad.
Wannabe presidents of Russia want a... "good russian passport" so they can open a bank account faster and detach themselves from orcish mass on a legal level (it's what they LITERALLY SAID)

Anti-fascist Adenauer visited moscow specifically to release nazi pows. Libs will gladly sacrifice our pows if it's required for them to be called "good russians."
None of them cares about russian national interests, it's just that putin is building a soviet union 2.0, libs want a woke russia. And if we look at our history, we always take western ideology to extreme, be it communism or '90s neoliberalism. Imagine WHAT woke russia could look like.

Why not just get rid of the P man and be a democracy.
America doesn't want a woke russia as an ally. That would cut neuter Russia, make Russia impotent, useless. Then we'd have to help you protect yourselves from China, Mena and eurasian which we don't want.
"don't throw the baby out with the bath water" is the idea.

I mean think about it and I am not trying to be offensive.
Those soldiers right now are fighting in a hopeless situation and not giving up even though the writing is on the wall and the leadership has failed them.
Imagine that kind of courage aimed at the right direction.

Adam Przeworski has calculated that $13-15.000 GDP per capita is required for democracy.

That means, like 5-10 regions of russia are capable of being democratic (and that's where russian regime truly oppresses them). Rest of country is not ready for democracy

If you guys were allied with us, do you think we'd allow this type of living to go on?'
Look at the near 70 billion we have given to ukraine alone.

...Those 70 billion is going to American contractors user, thats why they didnt even let the congressmen to read over the 40bln plan.

Besides, for that you would also control us and our courts, for you guys love your debt traps.


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30 of it is going to food, medicine, electricity internet
30 is going towards weapons
10 is going towards weapon building facilities

none of it will be asked back. It's just money, a medium for power to be transferred. we don't want puppet states. they are useless to us. They can't solve problems or adapt and we have to baby sit them.
Russia we wouldn't have to baby sit.


Yeah, you will just suck out our resources like you did in the 90s whole feeding us GMO chicken legs "Bush legs as we used to call them" because we are too poor to have our own production.
We have been over this already, USA dodesnt want an independent Russia.

Russia bro what are the chances of a socialist coup happening? Is it true that there are socialists sympathizers in the army?

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