Happy Pi Day, Any Forums

Happy Pi Day, Any Forums
Is Pi any good?

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Shut the fuck up

I liked it, but I thought the sequel, The Life of Pi, was retarded because it had nothing to do with the original

Not particularly, no, but it's interesting as a style piece. C+ flick tbqh. There's a go board with a spiral pattern set up on it, I have the same setup in my kitchen.

celebrating it whilst sucking my bf's

Like pi, it's highly irrational and transcendental

It’s the 14th of the 3rd, you cholesterol choked maggot. There isn’t a 14th month.
> b-buut mmurican way
Is asinine as everything else you “create”.

It's good. Blew me away when It first came out.

Amazing movie. Very bad vibes

>Pi Day
I don't get it

its just american system i guess.
like month/ day


its 14th of the 3rd month mate

Die mad, Britbong

It's pretty bad. I'm surprised Any Forums doesn't talk about this movie more often. If you have seen it you know why.

it's been the worst film I've ever seen for the last 20 years.
it is fucking horrible and ruined the association I had with the mathematical concept.
kiked schizo dogshit, the clearest example of the emperor's new clothes syndrome for pseudo intellectuals.
I'd burn every single last copy of it if I could.

>*amen break loop starts playing*

it's okay. tries to be uber smart and makes you think you're smart. i liked the hooker that tries to be nice to protagonist.

americans decided that.
but you can always make a thread on 30/4 at 23:59 that it's Euro Pi Day, no one is going to stop you.

Euros can't celebrate pi day because of their retarded date system.

I liked it a lot.

is that german?