You didn't forget did you?

You didn't forget did you?

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Steak and a blowjob day
On my way home from work, missus says it's steak so the outlook is bright bois

Has your marriage reached a point where a blowjob is like a special occasion? I practically have to fight the girl I’m fucking away from gagging on my cock

Why was it so kino bros

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Nah, I guess I'm lucky
Usually happens in the mornings before work which is kinda rushed
We did SO MUCH FUCKIN during lockdown that it's become our every Sunday, especially if we're hungover, it's just constant all day not caring how much we stink, just animals

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I was anticiparing the Ides of March tomorrow like a cultured man.


Living the life

Eh, the grass is always greener
I have my own complaints

The goofy goober part at the end honestly brings a tear to my eye. Most of it is probably nostalgia but it's powerful stuff.

No doubt you do, but you got one thing (two things) almost everyone wants.



It's a really surprisingly heartfelt film desu. Plus it helps that it's also properly funny and not just in a kiddie way

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I've never watched this. But I loved, and still love, the first couple seasons of SpongeBob.

Is it too late for me to enjoy this?

Not at all. It's the last hurrah of classic Spongebob and for all intents and purposes it's basically the end of the show.

Fuck yea. I know what I'll do tonight!

She stopped putting it in her mouth when I put a ring on her finger. real sad shit.

Based digits


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The movie was bad, and was very tonally different than the rest of the series up to that point. It made SpongeBob act way too much like a hyperactive 5 year old, the whole Goofy Goober obsession came out of nowhere, and none of the jokes had the biting wit of Season 1-3 SpongeBob.

its still when early SpongeBob was genuinely fun