Sam Raimi wants to make a Batman movie

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The more the better. Surely Hollywood would eventually make a good one.

I reckon he'd be pretty good for the job actually. He can nail the gothic atmosphere and horror-esque villains but also the camp nature of the setting.

If this was immediately following Spider-Man 2, I'd look forward to it.

>It's over Joker, you faggot long nosed jew
Raimi calm down holy shit

Raimi making a movie with Mr Freeze as the main villain would be kino

>If I ever saw the Reichsadler up in the air, I'd come running
Jesus, Raimi

>Whiteness is a tool
>They think I'm hiding behind white power, but I am white power

nice digits

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>You are one of the good ones, Gordon
What did Raimi mean by this?

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I wish he'd get to make one 10 years ago when I actually cared. he's the obvious and perfect choice for director.
my entusiasm would probably returnera if Bruce campbell played Alfred or something

>If i ever saw the bat signal up in the air i'd come running
What a nerd

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I don't see Batman having a very good releationship with Lucius Fox in a Raimi movie.;

Raimi is the perfect choice for any comic book,the sillyness and the drama are tailor made for him.

No way fuck this slapstick peanut butter man.

He's a good cop.

fuck off carlos you piece of shit

>No way fuck this slapstick peanut butter man.

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This but with manbat or scarecrow.

>makes an mcu movie
>three rounds of reshoots and so many forced characters and cameos, cant direct action sequences, entire thing is just in front of a green screen, not even a director just a babysitter
>sees the batman, sees WB say they are prioritizing directors visions over extended universe stuff
>"man, i've always wanted to make a Batman movies please"

he’s too campy for what studios want out of batman at the moment. i’d personally love a campy gothic batman in the style of coppolas dracula, but we are currently in a gritty phase of batman

He would make a good Flash movie but only if they used my Grodd fan script