Anyone else can't watch final episodes of shows?

Anyone else can't watch final episodes of shows?

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>t. incel retard
grow up, anime watching and frogposting piece of worthless NEET shit


Have sex

The second to last episode with the wedding was hilarious. The last episode wasn't bad, just overly repetitive and intentionally a bit of a downer because the message was "You shouldn't want any more of this show".

This, the final episode is a good wrap-up and probably in the top tier of sitcom finales, but it is just a bit depressing
>if you wait around too long eventually you're gonna be too old to fix anything about yourself and all your friends will move on to better things without you

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When you put it like that, it hurts and hits too close to home ;_;

When you think about is, Winger's story arc sucks.

> starts off as an unreasonably confident dude willing to do bad things for money but he;s okay with it because at least he is happy
> hangs out with a group of people who guilt him into being a better person
> he gives up personal and financial success for the approval of his new circle of friends because they have changed his outlook on life
> they all leave him behind, morally improved but worse off in every other way

I mean, whats the message there? If he had stayed the same asshole he was at the start his life would have unambiguously been better, wouldn't it? He was well off and happy, now he is neither.

They were beating a corpse at the end of the show, so yes I normally stop watching a few seasons before the end. Happens to any great TV show eventually, see Always Sunny after around season 12 onwards.

>lose cushy, profitable lawyer job
>have to go to a shitty, embarrassing community college
>gradually have to come to terms with the fact that you're hitting middle age and haven't accomplished anything
>all you know of love is meaningless hook-ups and failed relationships
>have issues with both your mother and father
>never even left the state you were born in
>eventually have to become a teacher at said shitty college
>all the friends you made there become far more successful than you and actually have their lives ahead of them
>you have to watch them all leave for greener pastures while you're still stuck in the college, hitting 40
>you never made your move with the woman you love before she goes off to live her life so all you get from her is a goodbye kiss
>the only people still with you are a borderline retarded woman, a perverted dean obsessed with you and an actual psychopath who once tried to murder you
I love the way his arc goes cause it's brilliantly realistic for an otherwise cartoonish sitcom but at the same time it's just a bit too depressing

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i procrastinate any last season of any shows

>are a borderline retarded woman

>all the friends you made there become far more successful than you and actually have their lives ahead of them
Not quite. Look what they've done to my boy...

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Britta gets really dumb by the end of the show. There's a scene in season 6 where she drunkenly shits herself

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Pierce may not have had his whole life ahead of him but he was definitely more successful

It's all Gilly's fault. She asked for her to be dumber because her character was seen as the buzzkill and she felt Britta was disliked by fans

ending on a depressing note was the only intellectually honest way to do it. Jeff's life sucks.

I've rewatched seasons 1-2 about 12 times but I could only get through 3-6 once. The life was completely sucked out of the show.

The whole of Season 6 has a melancholic vibe - it's a great simulator for what it feels like when you're part of a group but most of the fun ones move on and you kind of limp on for a while and have some ok times but you're permanently nostalgic for the time before and eventually give up.

I think it was more Harmon than Gilly. But desu I don't think Britta was ever really disliked and her dumbness is what makes her so endearing

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S2 is obviously the peak, but the more I rewatch the show the more I come around on S6. It was put together after a lot of reflection on what made the show good to begin with and really tried to go back to those S2 roots. Frankie and Elroy are good characters too, it's a shame they didn't have a chance to grow.

how many of u were the only losers in an otherwise vibrant group? i didnt expecy Any Forums incels to relate with a tv show revolving around a friend group

Well said. I've got a soft spot for S6 because of this, the atmosphere as they head towards the inevitable end is great and they address it really nicely throughout the season