Movies get smaller and smaller budgets, shittier and shittier

>movies get smaller and smaller budgets, shittier and shittier
>never made anything but a highly mediocre film
>still famous and highly rated

has there ever been a more overrated JUSTED fraud than this?

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They're intentionally shit. Bad dialogue is practically his trademark now.

At least he makes original films

He's not a fraud, he's just good with reversals.

shyamalan is the ultimate film filter

he normalizes cuckoldry in his latest one Old
a wife cheating is as natural as breathing, and the husband accepts it in an instant and blames himself lol

so just like real life lol

Small budgets means no directing by committee

or you film in one city with the same set for 95% of the movie
which could be ok if the dialogue, plot, and characters were interesting (they aren't)

>movies get smaller and smaller budgets
He funds his own movies.
>still famous and highly rated
What are you talking about? Most people shit on his movies. He's literally notorious for making shit movies.

Also I don't care. Signs, The Village, The Happening and Lady in the Water are ALL kino.

>highly rated
lol not likely

I wouldn't say that he normalizes cuckoldry. Wife and husband start the movie with their relationship on the rocks. We quickly learn husband is a busy accountant, wife has terminal cancer, and that she cheated on him in the past. Thrust into a supernatural body horror nightmare, they forgive each other.

Not exactly preaching cuckoldry.

>The baby died because the lack of attention
Never heard a whole movie theater burst into laughs on a non comedy movie like this lmao

yeah but that really could happen

This. In a world where we constantly have rehashes and remakes at the very least his movies are a breath of fresh air.


classic pseud take. all fake kinos.

only signs is decent only for the fact of mel and phoenix make the film and bring the right energy to set the mood. the film itself falls flat in the end as anti climactic low budget turd in gift wrap

>all fake kinos.
What does this even mean? When I hear it I think of Dune, Blade Runner 2049 etc.

>>never made anything but a highly mediocre film
Really nigger? The Sixth Sense is undisputed one of the top horror/scary/suspense/mystery movies of all time. This isn't even subjective it's universally agreed upon. Unbreakable is just as good if not better, split was great and signs and the village also have a lot of good points. Ya he's made a lot of shit movies but he has some genuine classics under his belt and I will always give him a shot to see if he can strike lightning again.

Also yes M Night Shyamalan is the classic writer/director that pseuds latch onto.

>This isn't even subjective it's universally agreed upon
I agree with you but that's still subjective.

I never understood the hype. Even his "good" films like Unbreakable and Sixth Sense are boring and has the most stilted unnatural dialogue and acting I've ever seen.

Pretty sure they would all die for the same reason, unless they were constantly eating slabs of butter and raw sugar