Why won't they just show this film to Putin?

Why won't they just show this film to Putin?

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ukrainians are the nazis though

In this movie the enemy are literally Ukranian nazi collaborators though

Take youre meds

I wonder how pissed was Putin after they elected jewish predident

About as pissed as Churchill was about the Lehi

I don't think Ruskies are locking up Ukrainians in buildings and setting them on fire with flamethrowers tho nor are they raping their women.
Seriously it sucks to be your average Stepan Bandera fan but the vilification of your average Ruskie only reminds me to stop watching mainstream media.

>WAR IS........LE GOOD!

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>war is LE BAD
remarkable insight from the ingenious snowniggers of the siberian taiga. Never let a slav near a camera, they're bound to make corny shit like this

Why does his mouth look like a swollen vagene?

shup up, there are milions of Ukrainian refuggees, I really dont care how do you feel about massmedia

>It's that Shiska I've been trying to kill for years, oy gevalt!

because it was anti soviet but the chuds thought it was about the holocaust

why the fuck this is on every thread fuck off

NATO has been warmongering ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Constantly expanding east towards Russia breaking its promises. Would America tolerate Russian nuclear tipped missiles on the Mexican border at Tijuana? Or in Canada?

You're being lied to, just like weapons of mass destruction 20 years ago. Stupid goyim cattle, trust in the television. Who controls the media?

>80 years later they backstab Ukraine
fuck 'em, the movie was a meme anyway

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Ukraine wanting to join the European Union makes perfect sense, they are a poor country that can be helped by the EU. If they join Russia they will be both fucked politically and financially, if they remain neutral they will stay poor.

>free independent country wants to voluntarily join an union/military alliance
>hurr durr the EU and NATO are expanding
kill yourself

Calm and sneed

Monkeys can't grasp complexe themes anyway.

Russia offered Ukraine a better loan than the EU did, then USA fomented a coup when Yanukovych decided to go with Russia instead of the EU. Russia invaded after Kamala Harris publicly said she was looking forward to Ukraine joining NATO.

>countries voluntarily join a defense pact
>russhitya bombs and massacres civilians (in the most pro-russian part of the country btw kek)
*we dindu nufin, they were nazis*
Russians really are on a whole another level of retarded.

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The bad guys in the movie are based off communists.

Ah yes, the famous NATO invasions and conquests of Poland, Hungaria, the Baltics etc. etc.

>>free independent country wants to voluntarily join an union/military alliance
kek funny how that always happens after the legitimate governments of these countries get overthrown in coup d'etats.