What was Lynch thinking?

What was Lynch thinking?

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what do you think a navigator would look like - given no need for legs etc?

He wasn't thinking, he was feeling

He has his own emmo.

iirc the Navigators in the books were humanoid but had developed flippers

...idk....what were you thinking?

they are described as fat humanoids with grey eyes (lenses to hide the deep blue eyes).

I believe the author liked the navigator's design.

The navigators are described as fish like humanoids

me after a 13 hour sesh in the goon cave

The spice-gas folding space is also pretty weird. Spice gives you prescience, the film doesn't run away from that fact. It shows that effect through paul, jessica, alia, the reverend mother and the fremen reverend mother, so their ability to see a bit ahead and find safe routes make sense withing the internal logic of the story. Instead they can....fold space and travel without moving.

>this would be weird haha

more like a croissantaitor am I right hahaha

Pure kino

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Kek, you fucking degenerate.

That is probably the worst design I've seen in ages

Can you believe they made a toy out of this?

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I copped this just before the new film came out

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Big money for collectors. I snagged a copy of all the activity books before they skyrocketed in price thanks.


Absolutely souless.

Lynch has an obsession with insects. You can tell by watching Blue Velvet alone. His themes are always touching on metamorphosis and ideas "infesting" otherwise normal people. Plus its offputting and feels nightmarish which he loves to do