President of Ukraine Zelensky announced the introduction to Parliament in the near future of a bill on the special...

>President of Ukraine Zelensky announced the introduction to Parliament in the near future of a bill on the special legal status of Polish citizens.
>This means that
Poles get "almost rights" civil and political. May be elected to elective positions and be appointed to state and local government bodies.
>Poles can be appointed to positions in state strategic enterprises and concerns with full access to classified data.
>The right to be appointed to the position of judge and judge of the Constitutional Court.
>The security forces will be almost integrated.
Why the fuck does Ukrayina want to reform the commonwealth? Is this some sort of we-wuz shit?
Will Poland be ok with its citizens potentially representing the government and army of another country?

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quickly before janny tranny arrives

It’s real

Poles and ukr*inians are the same people so it's only natural for them to be united

sounds like a foothold for integration of western parts of ukraine into poland

Finally... at long last... we're coming home

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their country is completely destroyed and depopulated, it was a barren wasteland before the war and its 10 times that now.

ukraine's entire budget is gonna be foreign money and theyre probably trying to use it to bring some poles. kinda wierd to see a poor country try to braindrain a richer one but if someone else artificially boosts their government budget why not

It's probably to get rid of russ oligarch influence, there were lithuanian "consultants" after 2014 too.

poles be like
>we are humble non-expansionalist welfare state whos only afraid of Russia!!!!
In actuality
>poland is a nationalist one party dictatorship that leeches off EU while active trying to sabotage every single country around themselves
>literally Poland 2020s= Poland 1920s-1930s
>same retarded politics
Germany please invade them first again.

They want to create polish-ukranian military alliance obviously

if you think running a depopulated country from budget given by foreign governments is a recipe for less corruption you're way way off.
it could be done if the country wasnt corrupt to begin with but were talking about ukraine, probably the only place that can compete with russia in corruption


im pretty sure they cant make military alliances if they are in nato
what are they gonna split their army in 2:nato soldiers and polish-ukranian alliance soldiers?
it doesnt work that way

Of course they can't. But it would make extremely easy to hire people from the polish army who want to fight in Ukraine if the polish government will allow them. They will use literally the same weapons that they were trained with because poland is going to send it there anyway

He literally decides nothing anyway.
A E.U Appointed 'Human rights court' overseen by a ReichKommisar can void/veto any law passed by any level of the Ukrainian government even if it dosen't violate their E.U approved constitution.

It is a germ occupied europe in ww2 puppet state.
It is as much a 'puppet state' as the DPR/LPR are

>>poland is a nationalist one party dictatorship
do you have no self-awareness?
our current governing party struggles to maintain parliament majority, and we had multiple parties in power in the past 3 decades.
meanwhile you're ruled by putin for over 20 years now

take your meds schizo

>do you have no self-awareness?

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a foreign legion in ukraine of poles trained in poland and paid with us money?


brb going to ukraine after war is done and offering 5 dorrar for sucky sucky

Set the clocks, another sperg out will happen in a decade or so, perpetrated by one of the sides

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>thread about Poland
>butthurt vatniks flood in
like clockwork

Is he that desperate for fresh manpower?

Thread about Ukraine actually (Russian land temporarily under foreign occupation)

>that post
>that flag

>pro-Russian pan-Slavic propaganda tries to scare Ukrainians into supporting Russia by having Poland as a boogeyman for the last 30 years
>Ukrainians end up supporting Poland anyway because Russia treats them like shit
Somehow they'll try to tell us this was intentional all along.
I can already see
>actually we had a secret pact with Poland so we gave 3/4 of Ukraine while we kept some depopulated bombed and ruined scraps, Genius

Ukraine is just Eastern Poland under temporary identity crisis

This is pretty cool ngl. How does Zelensky, a Jewish Comedian, keep on making geopolitical kino?

Poland is the only true ally to Ukraine. We have already declared we'll help to build it back up and cooperate as much as we can. As much integration as possible is in both interests

i have an engineer friend from ukraine. he wanted to join armed forces. they did not let him join. they are full apparently.

fuhrer morawiecki will lead us against russians, commies and private buissnes owners

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Subtract the population of the Rushit areas that are going to be turned into putin vassals and then + It with the 6.5 million and growing refugees who are almost entirely young men and their wives and children.

Their country is basically totally demographically depopulated and destroyed, With a fucked age demographic pyramid.

Piggers on suicide watch

isn't this just a way of taking ukraine for nato and denying it to russia. not a good sign at all.

What if Poland [Unilaterally and not as a NATO action] starts sending troops into Ukraine?
Would putin be retarded (See: based) enough to hit polish military targets

if Russians think Ukraine is America's bitch for accepting US aid to fight foreign invasion sent by autistic dictator and his brainless nationalists monkeys, doesn't that also make Stalin Roosevelt's bitch when he accepted US aid to fight foreign invasion sent by autistic dictator and his brainless nationalists monkeys?

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>Would putin be retarded (See: based) enough to hit polish military targets
on Ukrainian soil? of course
in Poland? no way, they'd just screech and send impotent threats as always

>>literally Poland 2020s= Poland 1920s-1930s
I wish, but with endecja this time

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don't bother, they're not sentient beings, they just blindly follow whatever propaganda kremlin decides to shit out