*Turn on the tv in 1981*

>*Turn on the tv in 1981*
>I-I-I Love little girls they make me feel so good

Attached: 7272663636.jpg (640x480, 31.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


cocaine is a hell of a drug

Russia sucks at warfare, sorry vatnigger.

Attached: 20220304_171626.jpg (1026x578, 81.53K)

Oingo Boingo weren't popular enough for MTV

Attached: 1643293215032.jpg (1024x917, 262.14K)

oingo boingo first 2 albums are their only good ones

good old days

Attached: 1646370606546.jpg (1045x137, 17.18K)

>*Turn on the Any Forums in 2022*
>I-I-I Love little girls they make me feel so good
the more things change the more they stay the same

Attached: pepe dancing.gif (243x305, 141.28K)

Don't we all!
Cunnie. Cunnie never changes

Was ist das?

I remember when people would micspam this on the Any Forums tf2 server

Take me back

her fatness is not even my problem, no, its her corpse like paleness and pale lips, her white hair

What's this?

Attached: 1617087674935.png (419x424, 301.52K)


Attached: 1630003722195.gif (220x187, 90.29K)

More innocuous than it seems. The vid it's cropped from is just a girl with a Russian flag and a girl with a Ukrainian flag hugging each other.

>better run girl

Attached: holy shit no way.png (839x546, 732.16K)

literally me

popular enough it was banned in canada

The music video, directed by his brother Richard Elfman, depicts Elfman in an empty house dancing with girls and people with dwarfism, followed by on-lookers staring vacantly as he walks down a street with an apparent underage girl. The video features set pieces strongly reminiscent of German Expressionist filmmaking, such as that seen in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. It was originally banned in Canada[6] and was named "the creepiest music video of all time" by The Independent.[3]


>and people with dwarfism
So...Dwarfs? Or Midgets as I like to call them.
