This was pretty bad...

This was pretty bad, why do people think making a show entirely around religious symbolism makes it "smart" or "well written"? it's just lazy

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Ridley Scott has a boner for gnosticism and mason stuff. Idk why you're surprised he makes this stuff non-stop because he's been doing it like his entire filmmaking career.

I have no desire to see this but find the online speculation about what any of it means to be comfy.

John Locke 2.0?

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wtf the season hasn't even ended and there's like 3 more coming. there's no "was" yet. not in years my man

counter-shilling is so weird

Its ratings are Westworld tier, there's no way it'll go on for 3 more seasons

oh, so they canceled westworld?

even if not there is still episode left

The problem is the fucking directing. Holy fuck, it's bad.
>there are entire FX scenes that are done wrong because of lack of directing, like the ship being completely fucking obliterated when it was actually meant to be somewhat of a crash landing
>radiation comes out of Mother's eyes, except then the FX switches to the mouth for the next of the entire series

The worst part is how they want the AUDIENCE to react and act, and not the characters:
>they find out there was humanoid life on the planet; not a single character gives a fuck
>they find out they devolved somehow; not a single character gives a fuck
>they find out the planet had a similar religious background; nobody cares
Every new thing they discovered, every new development, it's as if the characters all go "meh" and move on.

It seems podcasting is fucking RUINING modern shows. Both in this one and in Foundation, there's literally more info being said in the fucking podcast than in the fucking screen, it's absolutely fucking retarded. The podcast isn't part of the show you idiots. Make the show and talk about it later, holy fuck, display the information and the character's reactions and thoughts to the audience, not in a podcast.

Agreed. I much more prefer agents of Marvel. Or gossip girl. NOW THATS TEEVEE

you seem upset

The kino Intro made me give it more chances than it deserved.

well yea. some of them are literal robots and rest are used to all kinds of bullshit.
it's like going to another country and you're like wtf is all this shit. then the locals are just meh it's normal

I hope so, I want the inevitable Stepford Wives kino to fill its niche. In fact Stepford Wives would also fill the THMTale niche. That has to be a powerful combo.

It's schizo kino and I'm done pretending it's not

In English doc

>go "meh" and move on.
Well yeah, androids dont care. And the rest are basically dumb children so it makes sense

why is there cum on her face?

You wouldn't get it.

Best show on TV

this shit is bussin fr

>makes it "smart" or "well written"?
It's not trying to be either. It's trying to be sci-fi schlock, and it succeeds.

Just because something uses religion as thematical backdrop, doesn't mean it's automatically trying to be deep.
You're the one making that connection due to autism.