How did this country fall so hard? It once posessed half of the world

How did this country fall so hard? It once posessed half of the world.

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they expelled jews simple as.

they betrayed the emperor

(((Pulitzer))) tricked the USA into going to war with Spain as revenge for them persecuting the Jews, then during the Spanish Civil War, Russia stole all their gold

Habsburgs dragged us at stupid wars, still wasn´t that bad compared to Napoleon, at 1800s, the spanish escudo still was the second most important currency in the world, Napoleon was in many aspects worse than Hitler for european continent, culture and history.

Inflation + late industrialization

spaintards were always low iq and it shows
also they should be forgotten, the threads about them are cringy shit 99% of the times

The Bourbons got involved with France's continental wars. Had they stayed neutral and provided the American colonies with autonomy, Spain would've been a great power.

>Inflation + late industrialization
Not really, Napoleonic wars here were brutal and ruined Spain, Napoleon even took all the industrial infrastructures from Burgos and Leon and sent it all to France, also sacked all savings from Spain and ruined spanish fleet at Trafalgar, a fleet that maintained spanish empire defended from rival empires.

It's much better as a nice chill piece of Europe than a centre of global imperial power. Spain is a beautiful country full of beautiful people so could never be called a failure thanks to those things.

The faily pacts weren´t that bad, the problem was allowing Napoleon entering, but even on that I guess the king just wanted to avoid a war.

Before Napoleonic wars there was a project to send the sons of the king to rule as viceroys in America so so that the subjects and elites there would unite more with Spain, so that the princes could practice their skills as rulers and incidentally so that the royal family could keep an eye on the Creoles, especially in New Granada and Rio de la Plata.

The damage Napoleon did to Spain is usually underrated since he is the demigod of the freemasonic liberal cuckold who rule most of modern western world.

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they trusted Sp*niards

death to angloids

That's what started their golden age though

Le butthurt mestizo meme reaches all the way over to the end of the world I see

Uhm okay well, death to the French I guess... am I doing it right?

it's detah to angloids, a-n-g-l-o-i-d-s

This is what happens when you let an inbred Austrian family decide the role of your empire

Cuz they denied Franco in their souls and minds, now they are just a liberal shithole

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be quiet frog

it's inhabited by retards

that's not nice.

pooland clean my shit

Because brownpipo

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