What is it that made True Detective season 1 so good ?

What is it that made True Detective season 1 so good ?

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Lawn mowers

reddit nu-males shit and piss themselves over it

McConaughey and Harrelson

What was he drink at?

Two top tier actors that had real chemistry together.
Plus this season had just a real creepy atmosphere.
I started watching season 2 but it was dogshit.

It's shit

Watch One Piece

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>tfw the killer was a lawn mower

marty's lawn

Unique location, compelling narrative device with the timelines (episode 7-8 probably a suffer a tiny bit from the lack of this), Rust as a character, the Rust-Marty dynamic, intro song, single director, and so on. It was lighting in a bottle.

They may have recaptured it better in s3 had they had a single director (which was the initial intent with Saulnier), the main dynamic was Wayne and Roland rather than Wayne and his conceited cunt of a wife, and the central mystery was retooled a tiny bit so it was still against the backdrop of something bigger and darker like some trafficking system (I've elaborated on this in other threads), and so on.

The fact that it felt like it was going to cross over into some eldritch paranormal shit towards the end. The fact it didn't made it kino but also memorable for blue balling

Rust is portrayed as an alcoholic but he asks the black detectives for Lone Star, which is a pathetic 4.9%. I can chug a 4.9% beer and it won't even give me a noticeable buzz. Why did Rust not ask for a 6 pack of Steel Reserve 211, the original high gravity lager?

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>a can
And he had 6 of them, not 1 can, plus sipped whisky from a flask

Why did they never explain this?

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Townes van zandt

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What was the deal with Childress' dad that had his mouth wired shut and tied to a bed ?

Also what was the connection between Childress and Reggie Ledoux ?

Also why didn't they go after Tutle and the senator etc after the events of the finale?

The poets tell how Pancho fell
And Lefty's living in cheap hotels
The desert's quiet, Cleveland's cold
And so the story ends we're told
Pancho needs your prayers it's true
But save a few for Lefty too
He only did what he had to do
And now he's growing old

Simple product placement

The fact that you even asked this just tells me you didn't understand what made the show so special to begin with.

Wash your beaver, sweetie

he's not white trash, that's why