Polish genes stronk

Polish genes stronk

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are those really his results? isn't his dad entirely Polish?

wtf is he my bother?

Polish people always score 99~100% polish in thse tests? I would supose is normal for them to score partially NW Euro. His result indicates his father would score around 75% polish.

His family:

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>Polish people always score 99~100% polish in thse tests?

Yeah usually. Almost every Polish result I've seen is 99 point something EE with a little bit of either NW Euro or Ashkenazi Jewish.

I knew this would be Brazil before clicking

Of course it would be you dense faggot
That's Chico Lachowski

Post his current hairline

I heard he now wears hair systems for his modeling photoshoots.

Even gigachad's have to cope....

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>Almost every Polish result I've seen is 99 point something EE with a little bit of either NW Euro or Ashkenazi Jewish
Yeah, it seems that pretty much every Polish 23&Me I've seen this far had some Jewish admixture. I don't know if I'm prepared to spend that amount of money for a genetic test THOUGH, I might discover something interesting because my family has lived in the area bordering former Ostpreussen and I know for a fact that one of my great grandmothers was German but it's not worth the price at the moment. I think these tests make more sense for Americans but you guys know your ancestry from hearsay and family stories much better than most Europeans do.
It's over

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Chad can't lose. These are his recent pics

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Found this one:


He's white as me and I'm a poortuguese triracial mutt, doesn't really prove his polish genes made him look like that

Here's one from a Polish forum. Not much to see desu, obligatory 1% Jewish and the rest is Polish. Most people here have rather boring genetic makeup and those who don't probably know about it without having to do a test. For instance I went to university with a guy who was descended from a French nobleman who sought refuge from the Jacobin terror and ended up in Poland (which is the eternal chud country). He could corroborate this with historical documents and understandably he was an extreme reactionary of the monarchies variety with a very posh attitude

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He doesn't look typical white brazilian IMO

Hue so the Old World too is not safe from heritagefags i see

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i had sex with a girl with a polish surname today

yep, this is a the typical result I see for most Polish people on 23andme

>He doesn't look typical white brazilian IMO
He does tho

How so? He's too eastern shifted for the average white here

Thank you for your service. I hope it was unprotected and you are going to contribute to the proliferation of the Polish people

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