Simple question, what's your favourite movie and why?

Simple question, what's your favourite movie and why?

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are you 5?

I could be, what about you?

The book is much better. If you've enjoyed the movie, you'll enjoy the book, but you probably won't be able to enjoy the movie as much anymore after you've realize how much great stuff they cut out.

Legend, the music and general vibe really clicks with me for some reason.

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The Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Leatherface kicks ass, it's genuinely unsettling, the villains are purely cannibals who turn down the opportunity to rape Sally and the idea that they're killing just to eat which is just human nature has always stuck with me, I love the way it was filmed like a bleak documentary, and it was the first movie I remember having an impact on me I watched it when I was around 5 years old.

I could go on and on but I consider an important horror film and those are rare.

This is my favourite movie because it has my favourite actress, my second favourite actress and the actress I liked the most when I was a kid. It also has Eliza Scanlen.

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Books always tend to be better than their movie counterparts, so it's not a surprise. I might start the book tonight, I haven't read anything in a while.

It's a good movie, I watched the new one yesterday haha; what a fuckfest. Leatherface felt too much like Jason, and it felt way too political for a horror movie. Cheap shock value, I liked the kills though. Somehow people kept coming back to life.
The original felt grounded and realistic.

>what's your favorite movie?
It's a perfect film.

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Youre gonna need to elaborate, their are 2 versions of this movie. different story and soundtrack

I've always wondered...what's with the scene of McMurphy pulling this face after Billy is having sex with Candy.

It's like he regrets something or is in a contemplative mood. Never quite got it.



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Director's cut, but the theatrical version is okay.

Total Recall
I'm living Quaid's life, minus the gov trying to murder me of course.

if you have a single favorite film, you are not into film

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In New York at night, some guys run around with swords and cut off each other's heads, in the end there can only be one. Highlander is a typical representative of the 80's action cinema.
Through skilful cuts and crossfades, time levels are interwoven and the film is enriched with unexpected artistic qualities.
The staging is full 80s. Trench coats, big hairstyles, neon and fog. In addition, the film is also full of sympathetic, stupid dialogues and scenes: "You only have one life, if you care about it, leave me" because they only knew each other for a few minutes.
A film like a rock video, not only because the soundtrack is by Queen.

Because I got stoned and watched Highlander every weekend for years.
Please excuse the auto translate review, I copied it from my Letterboxd account.

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I have a legitimate problem when it comes to criticizing film. When it comes to films, I'm just a casual, and all I like to do is watch films. I just keep watching films. After I finish a film, I go "that was great/decent/bad". That's it. I don't know how to explain the quality of a film and why it appealed to me. How do I fix this issue?

Here's my favorite film. I can't explain why i liked it beyond "the lighting and atmosphere looked and felt really nice, and the acting was good."

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I think they're both fantastic and they stand well on their own, but the book is definitely even better than the already great film
>tfw reading the final pages for the first time

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Jurassic Park. I saw it in the cinema as a dinosaur-loving kid and I haven't seen anything like it since. It still gives me the same thrill up my spine, even though I know it inside out.
It's still magic to me, and I haven't read the book for fear it'll spoil the movie.

terminator 2 because

*arnold enters a bar naked and kills a bunch of people barehanded*
gimme your clothes boots and motorcycle
*doomsday bells.mp3*
your parents are dead
come with me if you want to live
*melts around the grate*
-see that helicopter going under the highway? that's a helicopter going under the highway
hasta la vista, baby
now i know why you cry
i must go
*thumbs up while melting to death*

it's amazing that they turned an arnold one liner into one of the best character developments ever, thing's truly flawless, except for the time travel concept

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O Brother Where Art Thou is just something I can put on and be thoroughly entertained by at any time, no matter how much I've seen it before.

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I'm the same, you just need to think about it for a while, rewatch, rewatch with an analytical lens. Write about it, if it's easier. Over time it becomes easier.

He's asking because he wants to fuck you.

To explain why you liked a film, you need to think about what you liked about it. Whiplash, for example: You can say that you liked that it was a realistic movie about someone who worked for their success instead of it being handed to them (like in a superhero movie). And um... You can say that it's a story about how ends sometimes justify the means. The instructor berated the protagonist but was he not a good drummer by the end? Yes, he was.

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that's real cute :))

>Director's cut, but the theatrical version is okay.
completely backwards

Look at a similar movie that you think is bad, and compare.

its definitely kino