I guess Revenge of the Sith is too bleak for them too

Not enough bubble-head men and fearless black women, I assume.

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This is going to be worse than Book of Boba Fett, I can almost guarantee it.

It's Obi-Wan Kuckobi after team Sjws rewriting.

Say it.

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Still betting on KK

>script was probably fucking fire, and would have been the shit like early mando
>KK probably realized she can't keep getting out-done, or it will be her head when the "le IP is curzzzzed" excuse no longer works


I'm sorry george, the prequels were kino and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

Any sort of a spinoff that tries to fill a gap like this in such a franchise is gonna be shit.
At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Obi-wan was on track to becoming his episode 4 self.

[Kneeling intensifies]

Does the show feature a young black female jedi who somehow survived order 66 and comes to ask Obi-Wan for help, but ends up solving everything single-handedly herself and shows what an outdated old fart he is, and the show ends with him apologizing for being a white man?

So is that black women a sith? Whatever happened to
>always two there are, no more, no less

Not to be Doomcuck but legit how was she able to hang onto her job? Why didn't Iger can her?

she's been an exec for a looong time, way before disney ever got its hands on star wars
once you've been around long enough and have made enough friends in high place, it doesn't matter how many times you fuck up

Fuck George Lucas. The prequels were just as bad as the shit Disney is pushing out.

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Actually, you can tell from the trailers that the black Sith inquisitor lady will be turned to the light side by Obi Wan and will become an even stronger Jedi than him.
Cuz, you know, she black nigguh, she ain't be a bad bitch for nothin'.
And Kathleen is definitely going schizo over the fact that Mando was a series about a man and was successful so she has to make a series about Obi Wan to actually be about stronk wamen of colour.

Because I can almost guarantee they were sleeping together. They conspired to steal Lucasfilm from George Lucas to begin with. That sort of scheme doesn't happen out of nowhere.

She's been an exec for decades and probably has dirt on most of the guys that could fire her.

Yep. Mandalorian managed to succeed briefly because Disney didn't swarm it. As soon as it became semi-successful you could see the quality nose dive. Women and homosexual men largely make up the decision makers and writers these days. Women and homosexual men are enormously preoccupied about what they can fit inside themselves. This occupies at least 75% of their waking cognition. When you walk past a bowling pin or a soda can do you wonder if you can fit it up your ass/pussy? Well, women and homosexual men do and they do it with everything. Even while writing, they can't escape how important it is to insert things into themselves and it actually becomes obvious in the way they write characters. Every character is written like they're having their hand held while lowering themselves down on to a cock. They speak in this very "d...do...you think I can do it...?" obsequious way. Don't be surprised if Obi-Wan in every scene acts like he's about to put a dildo up his ass while eating a bunch of ice cream.

based RLMdrone

>She's been an exec for decades and probably has dirt on most of the guys that could fire her.
this really is the only logical conclusion
also rian johnson is funded by an israeli citizen

Im unironically sorry, Id rather have prequel shit than disneyshit.

The original script was written by the guy that did Drive, and the new scripts are by the guy that did Army of the Dead with Zach Snyder.

Prequels are like the Hobbit movies. Bad, but far from worst.

Except she doesn't exist in any other star wars media post-ROTS so she's probably just gonna die.

Mind if I steal this?

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he looks like a giant earthworm stuffed into a suit, with a fake beard from the dollar store

>When you walk past a bowling pin or a soda can do you wonder if you can fit it up your ass/pussy? Well, women and homosexual men do
is this true homo/womanbros?

Ashoka Tano did not exist in other star wars media post-ROTS and look at her mug now.

yes my master

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Based Disney Hollywood Idiots

I'm assuming that's where black female sith was written in.

I hate women and black people

>people still care about Star Wars

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Fuck off, serves you right for selling the franchise. You want to still be included but all you can do is consult and even then Disney tells you to fuck off. You could have saved it. If not at least it's fucked up because you fucked it up.

This casual misogyny and homophobia is why you don't deserve Star Wars anymore. Fuck you.

no he wasn't he still ruined star wars with his gay cartoon shit.

never. go clutch your chest and die.

Remember, racism automatically makes every nuanced discussion about every topic impossible.

>any form of complex film is too sad we need boba fett bright color scooters
Now, look, they're children's movies. But the writing in the Empire Strikes Back is infinitely more 'bleak' than whatever garbage is being put out.

serves him what? he got $4 billion for it.

Fag rights and women's rights are why we lost Star Wars in the first place you nigger-loving tranny kike

This. The only gap filler between episodes that was good, good enough to get George's blessing, was Shadows of the Empire.

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Attack of the clones is the best prequel and the best star wars movie period.

Thanks for the kino george

she will be the main character anyway.
remember that all the important characters in R1 died.

Inquisitors are not Sith, they're Dark Jedi in service to Palpatine. They use the dark side but are not instructed with its greatest knowledge.

What is thy bidding, my master?

This is literally all George's fault though why would anyone apologize to him he should've just made Star Wars public domain instead of selling out to Disney

For me, its:

IV > II > V > III > VI > I > Rogue One > Solo > getting hit by a train >>>>>>> VIII > VII > IX

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>This casual misogyny and homophobia is why you don't deserve Star Wars anymore. Fuck you.
that time of the month for you I guess? also the casual misogyny is what made the original 3 movies work.