Will it be kino?

will it be kino?


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No, Ridley Scott is a hack and it’s foing focus on his relationship with his wife. And Scott wonders why no one wants to see his shit movies

No. This dead fish couldn't pull off Napoleon's charisma if you pumped him full of designer drugs.


>big massive battle with napoleon at the helm
>cuts back to josephine gossiping about napoleon's tiny dick with her nest of hens
Kubrick was the only one who could have given us the true Napoleon kino we deserve

Napoleon viewed from the perspective of his whore wife Joseline? I don't think so.

this hes too gay to play Napoleon

correct, but then again there's hardly any actor who could.

Can I get a quick rundown on Napoleon
All I know is he was a french explorer and he's a manlet


>black Josephine confirmed
so, no

if you're really curious, go pick up a book about Waterloo.
that was some real life fucking kino.

here's all you need to know about Napoleon. when he escaped from exile and returned to france without even an army, the king immediately surrendered to Napoleon.

arguably the greatest man to ever live, there are several biographies out there, hard to give a qrd without the necessary context.

what? the actress is white

I predict that it will look great, have a great soundtrack, be epic and have amazing battle scenes. And Joaquin will be great obviously.
But the dialogue will be stupid and there will be several retarded moments in the story and badly written characters.
And the film will be both too long and too short at the same time. They will devote too much time to stupid stuff while brushing over important things. I expect every battle scene will be abridged.
The director's cut will only half fix this but will be 100x better because of it

im not watching any movie where the set pics involve the actors wearing cuckmuzzles

>cast anglo

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Just marathon Abel Gance's "Napoleon" and "Waterloo" (1970).

>still wearing maskerinos

my bad, didn't realize cast was revealed

some new set pictures

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