Wtf Any Forums told me Arcane was bad

wtf Any Forums told me Arcane was bad

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It isn't bad, it is especially well crafted. The threads are bad and do not belong here. I don't care what mods say about that, it belongs on Any Forums. Take it up with the mods there.

I fucking hate LoL and I think this is the best video game related media I have ever seen

half the thread BY THIS MINUTE on Any Forums are animation shows
you can't be more stupid

plus Arcane is more Kino than the whole film production today.

Tranny show fuck off to tumblr

>Any Forums says arcane is good
>Okay cool let's give it a go.jpg
>Intro stars
>Riot games presents
>Imagine Dragons kicks in
>Arcane: League of Legends

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There will be a cool black rap next

I hope season 2 opens with Caitlyn getting pumped by her boyfriend while they laugh about VI trying to seduce her.
Fucking hate lesbians

I hated the pop music in Arcane. Absolutely a poor choice.

my wife chino doesn’t approve

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Oh, I've seen porn that started out like that

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it was fine but the arcane general troonerinos made it look bad because the people gushing over le epic lesbians made it seem like a show for complete faggot r*dd*tors. seriously i hope every single participant in those generals gets boiled in oil

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Basically this. If you want me to watch a show don't let it be associated with cringe gaylords


Arcane gens were comfy, chuds need not participate isn't that hard?

Don't count on that when the series producers and writers are all dykes and fags themselves.

That just reinforces it

industry awards are meaningless and represent nothing of actual quality - everything that wins is "what we think people want us to vote for" not the actual best shows and films.

As a show arcane is mediocre - mediocre trope filled writing, mediocre voice acting and mediocre (albeit stylistic) animation. Everything mainstream is so base and meaningless that when finally given something mediocre its praised as godlike, this is a problem inherent in mass appeal media. It's not a good show, but its not bad either so it wins awards.

Arcane generals were reddit enclaves filled with insufferable retards.