How come there are so many foreigners in the UK? Are most of them legal?

How come there are so many foreigners in the UK? Are most of them legal?

I have traveled to the UK many times and I always bump into foreign looking people who have a heavy accents, many of them seem to be performing formal jobs (even police officers), how can this be?

The UK has a lot of requirements if you want to live there legally (specially now that it left the EU), I seriously doubt most of the Indians working at the corner shops meet any of them.

Is it the case that these people were born and raised in the UK but never lost their accents or learnt how to speak English properly? Maybe they migrated when laws were less strict? Or did they arrived illegally and then somehow got a permit to stay afterwards?

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at certain time periods in the last 75 years we imported some absolute trash
the trash don't assimilate and are generally avoided by normal people
they have different accents to us, it's just a hideous low class mixed accent usually, """""british"""" but no actual british person speaks like that

also if you went to london .... it's barely even the UK

Is it possible to find second generation migrants who don't speak English or do it ver poorly?

It's commonplace for immigrants to not speak English and not want to, no matter the generation. I've met people who are my age (early 20's) who don't speak a single bit of English and refuse to.

Id love to move to england but it seems hard. got an accounting degree and work in tax.

I just want to fish, or herd sheep, or any other job that most don't want to do, and my ancestors are from there.

no ignore the retard

you would be welcome

Yes, virtually all of them.

How the hell do i do it though? Accounting guy here. It seems hard to get a job there without experience. I just have like a year of tax accounting which is a US specific thing.

no idea lol

what he is saying 2nd generation
where are you meeting these people

There are lots of places in britain now where no one speaks english, so theres no point in learning english when you move there from a foreign cunt. Like if I moved to poland I wouldn't learn spanish, would I? Because people don't speak spanish in poland, same with if you move into certain parts of cities in britain, everyone speqks urdu, for example, so you would learn urdu if you didnt already speak it, not english. I've often struggled to find people who can speak english when visiting a big city. I was trying to get a bus to heathrow once from london and even the bus driver who was actually going there didn't know enough english to even know the word 'heathtow' even though that was the destination he was driving to.

Gods revenge for their colonialism

Sounds like you’d be a good fit for a big 4 firm
try PwC, Deloitte or E&Y (can’t remember the fourth one), I bet you could apply for one of those and have them sponsor you to come over here

Yeah I've heard of that but that seems like a fuuuuckload of work because then you have to do a CPA and then the ACCA or whatever you guys have there right?

As far as I know I can't really do accounting or finance there without an ACCA in general. So even broader bookkeeping shit wouldn't really work. I wonder if I could get some general tier 2 business job somehow and speed up the process?

That's the thoughts of the people immigrating. The British are trying to be good people, and you have people with chips on their shoulders that wish to take advantage of their kindness. They should feel shame, but they're not human.

You need to stop mumbling in person

It's super though if you want to do it legally, that's why it blows my mind when you see people like the one I described strolling around like it's nothing

That's a very good example there mate. If you want to move legally to the UK with a work visa, you need a sponsorship offer from a very specific set of companies to work on a very specific profession, nothing menial like a bus driver or a shop keeper (I'm sure lorry drivers are welcome now though). That's why I didn't know how people like that bus driver got in in the first time, and I'm sure he needs legal papers to be employed in that kind of work.

My point is that these people I've encountered don't seem like illegal migrants, since they have proper jobs that would require them to have papers.

they probably arent then

Post hand

lol as if these people weren't better off under colonial rule
No, it's Odin's revenge for what they did to their own cousins.