This is the most generic, boring unfunny shitty garbage tv show

This is the most generic, boring unfunny shitty garbage tv show.
The only people who like it are retarded Americans who go
>wow funny fat man is literally me!!!
The episodes I watched were the most mind numbingly boring shit I ever sat through.
How did this garbage get so many seasons?

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You had to be there OP

Most people I know who like the Simpsons are either British or Australian. Anglosphere goes wild for some early season Simpsons the same way black people really like DragonBall Z

Seasons 1-8 are some of the greatest television ever poroduced. The only thing i get autistically obsessed about is the Simpsons

It doesn't help that humor died in 2016.

Blacks like DBZ?

Mexicans fucking love DBZ.

I know a black Mexican who has never seen an episode and thinks it's dumb. Funny.

Have the Rolling Stones and the OP killed

I saw an episode the other day where the mom and the pop were at high school and getting together for the first time. From the music and stuff it looked like it was set in 1970 as it had the why do birds suddenly appear song by the carpenters as its main theme.

The dad character, I forget his name, drives a car so he must be at least 18 (at highschool, maybe he was kept back a year, perhaps).

if thats the case he would be 70 this year and the mom would be about the same age.

Yet in a recent episode I saw they were capering around as if they were in their early 30s, and he is not retired. The show makes no sense.

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typical filtered zoomer

>people who like it
I don't know a single person who watches current Simpsons.


There's no way you don't know Homer's name stop pretending

why do stars... fall down from the sky.... every time you walk by?
because just like me, they long to be, close to youuuuuuuuuu

This filters the zoomer

Attached: homer wonderbat.png (687x492, 691.67K)

i put on the simpsons when i can't sleep because i always fall asleep very fast because of how boring it is

>The only people who like it are retarded Americans
The Simpsons is one of the most popular cartoons across all of Europe, and it had gained at least some recognition in most regions if the world by this point.

>Blacks like DBZ?
>Mexicans fucking love DBZ.
EVERYONE likes DBZ. It's almost universally loved, at least to some degree. Blacks and Mexicans are just known to have a liking for it without an equal predilection for OTHER weeb stuff, so it stands out as notable in memory.

Homer is the son's name with the spiky hair, I know that without bothering to google anything.


Why are they all fucking each other. Don't they have any morals?

I miss Phil Hartman

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