Be dunston

>be dunston
>die in 2010 of a sudden heart attack at an ape sanctuary

Attached: Sammy.jpg (579x480, 149.81K)

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>Dunston checks out

dunston checks out

His face hair is ugly and trypophobia tier

This ape’s face looks like nikocado’s entire ass.

Too soon

Do you think he knew he was a star?

He’s got faceflaps and a sick beard. He probably actually died while fucking some big titty zoo bimbo but they covered it up.

Michael Jackson's chimp Bubbles also lives there.

Attached: Bubbles-headshot.jpg (968x1130, 325.46K)

stop talking shit about dunston

Attached: MV5BMTkyNDM2NzA0NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzIyNjg5NzE@._V1_.jpg (960x540, 50.84K)

>After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
that's actually nice

That fucker is still alive?!
I had no clue he was. How old can chimps live to be?

I read that as rape sanctuary and got excited for a moment

around 40

>Captive chimpanzees tend to live longer, with median lifespans of 31.7 years for males and 38.7 years for females
he's 39 now so he's pretty old for a chimp

what the fuck are monkeys anyway?

post some ape kinos, prefferably documentaries

>he cute

Attached: Sammy11.jpg (600x450, 161.99K)

He has a butthole in the middle of his forehead