Imagine if they took the budget from this and made an original series

Imagine if they took the budget from this and made an original series.

Attached: discovery.jpg (320x180, 11.53K)

it's warm garbage but so are most new shows. It's not like we were gonna get this OR something great.

They'd still have the same writers or writers that might as well be the same. There's no hope for any series with MUH BUDGET right now.

It's been 4 seasons user. If there was any hope for this show it left a long time ago.

how is this compared to older series? is it woke garbage with an obnoxious sheboon like some claim or actually fairly enjoyable?

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It's the worst big budget show that's ever been made.

They inject tranny and non binary culture as a staple of the storyline

Its Michael Burnham isbthe most important person in the galaxy and cries about it: The Series. The wokeshit elements are present but only as little gay sprinkles on the shit cupcake that is the godawful writing. And by godawful I dont mean "this would be alright if the dialogue wasnt written by college age LGBT women" bad, I mean literally every aspect is terrible. Its bad at a fractal level.

Writers are contracted to shows aren't they? The expanse recently wrapped and I'm sure they've got some ideas they've been sitting on so keep all the visual guys and hire those writers.

Star trek is unironically doomed, at least for this generation
Who knows? Maybe they'll will be making good television and film after everyone living today is gone

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I genuinely don't think that enough people watch this to justify the cost of hiring new writers. I think that it's secretly a big stinker of a show that isn't making money, and management are still waiting for it to turn a profit

If you remove all the forced gay propaganda the show might be decent

thanks anons, was tempted to try it as people exaggerate a bit these days but into the trash it goes

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How do you reconcile being a massive bigot with being a star trek fan? Being mad about differences - any differences - just seems to run counter to everything the series is about.

Also Discovery is pretty fucking bad but it's all poor writing, fixation on one bad character and obsession with season arc plots that overshadow individual episodes or character development, not the fact there's an enby or a married gay couple.

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Give it a try. It's amazingly shit. you might be entertained by that.

It's brilliantly written and the best trek ever had.

Attached: STD - Wright Brothers, Elon Musk, Zefram Cochrane.webm (900x450, 2.55M)

what's an enby?

Attention seeker

Don't forget the dozen episodes devoted to 2 gay men on the ship and their sexual escapades

If the story is good enough then faggots being involved can be overlooked. Many such cases

>best moment of the entire shitshow

Attached: STD 3x10 Terra Firma Part 2.webm (1920x800, 2.96M)

Non binary, like Adira.

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what is non binary?

What is sealioning?

It's funny how it's the wokest shit imaginable but they still have the native American character be a suicidal drunk

i don't know what it means so i'm asking

t. oldfag

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Can someone explain how this extremely ugly woman could be cast in this series?

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>cg sword wobbles insanely in the wound it just made because negress doesnt know how to do action and flails madly puffing her cheeks out for a half second after she gets impaled
Jesus wept.

>I like science
They're just fucking with us, right?

She's unironically the best part of this shit pie.

She's a LESBIAN ICON, apparently, though desu I can totally buy a dyked out gearhead of an engineer.

They did stop with the quippy shit after season 2 but the damage was done.

Bros, if you think about this season in retrospect. They travel through space via an injection that repeats over and over, each time weakening the host. Now look at the covid jab..