Just watched this movie for the first time, really blew me away with how well done it is...

Just watched this movie for the first time, really blew me away with how well done it is, is there any more movies like come and see which I can watch?

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>you nut but she still suckkin

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> is there any more movies like come and see which I can watch?
What exactly are you looking for?

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>How long can you last?

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The best movie ever filmed

can I get a glass of water

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Germany, Pale Mother

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The Ascent

Theres that Russian War and Peace but it's super long and not epic. If you like the style also check out Solaris and Stalker, two other Russian movies. Not really actiony but they have that good cinematography kino and emotion.

is this from the same movie?

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This is my rec
Stalin era misery kino

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More movies like Come and See as in more anti-German atrocity propaganda?

There's no shortage of that.

Someone post the come and see sequel pasta

Im not much of a fan but i l absolutely adore the scene of the girl dancing on the stump or whatever. Yknow the girl that gets raped later

the movie is retarded af
it's just torture porn committed by nazis for 2 hours (other nations were kind to civilians, especially soviets)

A goofy Slav making funny faces at the camera.

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how to marry girl like this

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i wish
real munitions as effects, proper age casting, just recommend some kinos like the genuine recreation of WW2 that Come and See created but in other settings

>other nations were kind to civilians, especially soviets

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