Could it be made today?

Could it be made today?

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Maybe if you leave Steve the racist and Nigger General out

yes, but jane would be more of a girlboss around al instead of a coward, and same with joanie when she's around tolliver or wolcott
i think if anything steve would remain unchanged, just him getting kicked in the head by a horse would be played up as justice for being so racist

why not? who could stop them?


>Swedgin!!! San Francisco cocksuckers!

Yes but wif a black lead

Too much swearing.

Attached: captain-america.gif (498x207, 1.57M)

Not with the period specific English grammar, zoomers wouldn't be able to handle it. Zoomers couldn't even handle the English language from 5 years ago and had to make up their own meme speak for christ sakes

None of the HBO greats could be made today

Barry was

Alzheimer's has stopped David Milch.

I'd like to think that the HBO that drug GoT out for 8 seasons, half of which were terrible, would give Rome or Deadwood enough slack to at least finish their story arc.
If for no other reason than because AT&T's deep pockets would have given them the slack to do so.

lol, touché

What is better, season 1 Deadwood or season 1 true detective?

All those who dislike Deadwood suck cock by choice.

for me Deadwood is better

True Detective s1 by far


deadwood is shit, hbo shills fuck off

Deadwood is good but it’s got the musty smell of early 2000s TV. I yearn for movie budget and less structured writing.

Only talking : the show