What is the edgiest movie ever made?

What is the edgiest movie ever made?

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people who think things are "edgy" and "cringe" ruined the internet

buck breaking

nah tho the scene on the op pic made me hard.
but that was normal.

The Wizard of Gore

Either this or A Serbian Film.

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both august underground movies.
the only thing they hadnt going for themself was incest.


This and no question about it. They actually killed animals on screen for the sake of making it and the director was accused of making a snuff film and had to prove the actors were still alive in court.

this movie has a comfy feel for some reason. I do close my eyes during some of the gore

Last House on The Left

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Fuck forgot to tag image

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You forgot the image but I know the kino

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Short film 'Flesh Meat Dolls'. You'll know exactly why if you watch it.

I liked this girl. Ballgag and corset combo looks cute.

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There's three.

And there was incest in the second one.

>(((Eli Roth)))
A jew fantasizes about gratuitous torture and murder of European youth for three movies.

The only way this movie is horror is that we haven't exterminated all the kikes yet.

which kind?


They were actually great movies for the realism, including the psychological realism.

When they tried to attended a film festival in Camada they were detained by border authorities who thought the films were real and they were trafficking in snuff.

I've tried looking for these movies everywhere but I can't find them except for physical disc copies.

I thought the first was fine, but the sequels went way overboard and over-the-top.

A Serbian Film
The Trouble with Being Born

they basically extreme violence with a bit of legit porn, dont know if anything as crass as that was made ever since.

In capitalism thousands of animals are killed every day then discarded because 'the market' didn't have enough demand for the cuts of meat. Literally killed for no reason

I haven't seen either in a while, but I remember the first Hostel being a lot gorier than the second one. I don't think I would call either of them edgy though; they were just the standard kind of torture porn that were being made in that era.

wow so sad ;_;

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