Hows that TV show and Film collection looking this Saturday night anons?

Hows that TV show and Film collection looking this Saturday night anons?

Attached: hard drive.jpg (466x598, 62.65K)

good. i need to upgrade my 4TB internal hdd to an 8TB. its going to be a pain in the ass figuring out how to transfer all my torrents, im already going to have to remove one harddrive to put the new one in place, so the drive letters might get all mixed up

A couple years ago I thought we would see 8tb drives fall to $99 by 2022. What the fuck went wrong, bros?

Show your collections bros

Hdd died. Mostly everything gone. I think I'll just stop digital hoarding shit

Decade Folder > Title (Year)

But now I'm honestly thinking of

[Year] Title (resolution)

Cus it might be cool to see the movies organized by year and how they progress (and devolve) over time

(year) Movie

Its thats simple

Attached: tom cruise film kino.png (470x557, 27.85K)

if you don't have extra slots you can remove your system drive and boot live just to dd
then just change the disk uuid is fstab.

I think a few years ago there was some industrial fuck up on drives, and one company had to sell off it's factory. Also I think the whole pandemic thing fucked prices. Especially since SSD has been trying to phase out HDD. SD cards have been steadily dropping tho.

For me its being a 2TB limited collection chad

add metadata to container metadata tags, not the filename. can't you add columns to windows file explorer any more? you used to be able to set folders as video folders and it would columnate metadata for you to sort. of course having everything in folders doesn't help.

What should I watch tonight, bros?

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No i'm not a fag

Thats a lot of shit, but Point Break

I'm sorry we don't all like capeshit, user.

I dont like capeshit, you still have almost all shit in that image though, Watch Point Break

Legionnaire or Conan

Ye but what if I have a like 2 files
Armageddon (1)

One is the old Alain Delon movie and the other is the Bruce Willis movie. So the dates help, especially since Hollywood just keeps making remakes now.

Only 700 more episodes to watch, bros!

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You ARE capeshit.

Kino as fuck

Bone Tomahawk if you want kino western

Atleast organise the seasons bro

good point
i suggest you put the name of the film in the metadata and rename your films numerically, simply increment the filename by one when you add a film to your collection so that they are unique

other user isn't kidding, most of that is shit
watch conan the barb


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Good for you

Nice try, capeshitter.

I have 2 hard drives with Jav porn and wrestling archives


Waiting for the price of Eternals to come down, shouldn't take long.

Attached: Recent.jpg (3492x4656, 2.55M)

Added another couple movies and a tv episode to my collection.

>he doesn't have a RAID setup to prevent this

>Type > Language > Movie (Year) > Title (Year) [Source] [Resolution] [Video Codec] [Extra shit like HDR] [Audio Codec] [Extra shit like Subtitles]

Recommend some mom son JAV, the rapier the better. Thanks.

>no Asian superhero shit like Hentai Kamen
You goof'd

>>Type > Language > Movie (Year) > Title (Year) [Source] [Resolution] [Video Codec] [Extra shit like HDR] [Audio Codec] [Extra shit like Subtitles]

The shelf on the other side of my television is mostly Japanese stuff, but not Kamen.
Just not my thing.

Does anyone have a tool for correctly renaming and identifying TV and Film episodes?

>Not having Exhibit A. for the prosecution properly organized and archived
The judge will not be happy.

All films by an actor go into a folder with that Actors name, they are then ordered by release date


Attached: arnold film kino.jpg (182x388, 38.72K)

Plex does that for me tbqh

I keep shit as uniform as possible. Unlike you retards that keep the regular filename. Also have a spreadsheet and program for easy searching of everything. Also go full autism when organizing.

Just do it yourself, don't trust extra shit. If you want to bulk rename, just grab Ant Renamer.

But is Se7en a Pitt film? Or a Freeman film? or a Spacey film?