ITT "that asshole"

ITT "that asshole"

Attached: TJ Miller.jpg (1200x800, 156.18K)

i'd post nikocado's disgusting asshole if i had the pic saved but why would i

Please don't

TJ Miller at least had some excuse for his batshit insane behavior. Some legitimate brain problems.

Most Hollywood actors are also Jewish

post the coinslot.

He's been pretty much blacklisted. Hasn't appeared in anything since 2020 and has nothing in production.

Attached: Jocko (7).jpg (640x427, 25.83K)

Attached: Brett_Gelmen.jpg (1080x1440, 280.09K)

Attached: coinslot.jpg (700x300, 213.92K)

It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Attached: DwgUONlWsAAYYmA.jpg (1200x675, 79.32K)

oh no no no embracebros

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>this is white in america

he has a sóy beard so it doesn't count

i thought he was genuinely funny guy and he makes me feel better about my life's fuckups because nothing ive done compares to throwing away a hit television show so you can be on the emote movie

You can't be a beta faggot and pull off the Chad embrace

that's been debunked

chads don't go bald

that's been debunked



Attached: ca1.jpg (720x453, 33.2K)


Attached: Jocko (5).png (500x500, 160.69K)


it's been debunked
you can't rebunk, you can only bunk once more

How 'bout I bunk you over the head?

Custodian ascend is more embrace than "chad" embrace

I'd simply debunk it