White genes are dominant ONLY when it comes to Mexicans

Why is that? It is the only race that can bleach
No matter if its female or male, the children will always come out white

Attached: beaned13.jpg (2208x1750, 522.01K)

Because they're around half Spanish more or less


also MENA/wh*Te mix also comes out white most of the time

Good thing TVRKS are BLACK

that guy looks like an asian texan

Fuck off

True I was about to say that

Most mexicans are 50%europeans 50% Native so the child will be 75% white wich is somewhat enough to appear white Ive seen a few people like that but you can still see native features such as high cheekbones or more slanted eyes

Why is it always brownies that consider their brownie mulatto spawn as white?

we are actually a black nation, the baby is kara boga

That guy doesn't look Mexican. In Canada they are more blonde from my experience and European looking.


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këk this is true, I know a prieto from Veracruz who banged a green-eyed güera from the north and the kids are pale as fuck, don't even look like his children

that guy has slanted eyes


>don't even look like his children

MENAs are just the brown cousins of wypipo


Attached: proyecto fotografia.jpg (3264x3264, 1.67M)

Attached: mexican male white female teen.png (1080x753, 620.31K)

He qt

Like most Upper class latinos

Attached: MV5BYzQ5Yzg1NzktMDcxNC00ZDc1LWJlMjEtNTg2ZjRlOTk4ZDNjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODk4OTc3MTY@._V1_.jpg (2127x3000, 955.29K)

chilean japanese just look like indios lol

bosnians, french, and english confirmed as white

lmao plenty of mexicans have slanted eyes and look like brown asians

AABB = Black
AABb = Dark
AaBb = Mixed
Aabb = Light
aabb = White

Father Mother
Aabb x aabb

The possible genotypes for the father are Ab and ab. The possible genotypes for the mother are only ab, if they are crossed the result is offspring that is either Aabb or aabb. Basically the baby has a 50% chance to have the same completion as the mother.