What do they eat?

What do they eat?

And before you say "they hunt", need I remind you there's literally nothing but sandy desert around their rocky barren place

Attached: Mad-Max-Fury-Road-Rock-Rider.png (400x603, 493.83K)


fried chicken and cum
and they're all outta cum...

Cum has more protein than chicken
the moar you know

I'm betting that probably just trade for food like everyone else. They never really established exactly what anyone in that world ate, but there appeared to be some sort of vegetable farming going on at least.

Mad max is in Australia right? I watched a documentary about aboriginies and they eat Yams and Grubs.

>in the desert or rocky mountains

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Vegemite and fairy bread.

Literal Morrowind cuisine

the world of mad max have no oceans, all the oceans just evaporated one day and there's no telling where they are, on the ocean floor or on land

That's retarded, life cannot survive with no oceans.

which is why things collapsed so quickly, i think in mad max, the second movie, takes place like 10-15 years after the oceans disappeared or something

Whatever they made their pelts out of

I think you're forgetting the fact that imortan joe had massive amounts of water available to him, and extensive hydroponic farming was shown all over his facilities.

so is it just a giant cloud of steam in the atmosphere now

oh my gosh, what is this shit?

Attached: desert-farming-759x500.jpg (759x500, 59.43K)

Yes, Immortan Joe's acquifer is the only reason they can grow food, but the Rock Rider territory (biker dudes) are miles and miles away from that.

nobody really knows, miller haven't said a word as to what actually happened, all we know is that there was a full blown nuclear war and then poof: oceans gone
but road warrior is just before the oceans fully disappeared and in mad max it's all just gone

There's a thing that exists in societies called trade. Even in prehistoric times, it's been shown traded goods can travel thousands of miles from their source. This is long before the advent of something like oh...i dunno, let's say, a combustion engine, even.

And the bikers would trade... what exactly? Rocks?

toll booth

Or vehicles and goods they hijacked. Ransom even, maybe, if they're trading it back to the people they stole it from. You're not like...very smart, are you?

>Abbo Ur

Ah yes, get much traffic through these inhospitable and dangerous rocky cliffs, do they



As amply shown in the movie. Yes, they do.