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coasties deserve it

what are the odds we have gas rationing like in the 70s?

I feel vindicated I crashed my car last year and haven’t owned a car since

Based Asian woman

>tfw no car

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gas is over $4 everywhere bro

The medias trying to turn it into another fink issue where if you disagree with the ridiculous gas prices then you're a drumpf supporting etc. America is fucking retarded, it should be easier to emigrate for those who want out.

Just ride a bike. Just walk. Just take public transport.

>just get stabbed by an african

naw nigga, i'm still buying my truck lel

At least the mask mandates are over :^)

'appuccino and 'agels in the 'enshot


Have you considered not making your entire life-style reliant on resources from Russia?

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fuck bikers

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Imagine owning a car lmao

I'm about to go catch the train downtown and watch the shitty new batman movie, grab some drinks and dinner afterwards, then take the train home. Feels good living in a place with working public transit.

the rest of the world doesn't want you cuck retards
just stay in your shit country and die

What's a steering wheel doing in the passenger seat?

cycling works but you have to contend with psychotic american drivers. it's like a constant survival situation where you could die at any moment

come on man its eu from the plates

>downtown and watch the shitty new batman movie
Just fucking pirate you NIGGER

? I like theaters, and I'm meeting my friends.

>why are movies so shitty these days?
>pays for shitty movies
You are part of the problem